Having a day off from work on your birthday sucks when you are an introvert who just wants to be left alone to rest, but your friends and family have already made celebratory plans for you. Sigh... at least I found a few games on sale to add to my Steam library.
At least you have an understanding of what's going on. When I was too young to refuse birthday celebrations, people around me (and myself) had 'no real concept' of introverts and extroverts.
I hope you can find some quiet moments regardless.
"I hope you can find some quiet moments regardless."
Funny you should type that. I'm not off to a good start. My next-door neighbor apparently decided to become the proud owner of a rooster yesterday (I don't know why. We do not live on farmland), and, at 4:30 this morning, that obnoxious bird spent over half an hour "cock-a-doodle-do"ing. I woke up in fear because of how loud and strained it initially sounded. Managed a few more hours of sleep after it finally stopped, but now I get to spent the rest of the day feeling like crap. I hate the taste of coffee, too, so if I don't actually sleep, then I just suffer through the day. At least I can turn on some music or rain noise tonight when I get another chance to rest and, hopefully, dream about dunking that bird into fresh oil and turning him into a hot meal.