Since she's still maintaining somewhat plausible body proportions, Becky looks like the second-to-last page of a bimbofication comic.
Great job!
Since she's still maintaining somewhat plausible body proportions, Becky looks like the second-to-last page of a bimbofication comic.
Great job!
It's a very reasonable body expectation
Hmmm. It's cute, but if Pinky was going to express how much she loved somebody, I would imagine she'd be a lot bouncier and more enthusiastic with her gestures. It's odd to see her so stationary.
To be honest I had the animation idea in mind before I chose which character I wanted to be animated. If I had planned for the animation to be for Pinkie specifically it might have been a bit crazier ^^ I hope you had a pleasant Valentines Day!
It looks fine to me, but I seldom draw, and I certainly know little about shading. I suppose if I had ever taken an art class that wasn't the catch-all mandatory course I might have learned something more substantial than how to draw an empty soda can and paint using only shades of a single color.
A chewed-off ear, a prominent facial wart, dark rings under the eyes, different-sized feet turned in the wrong directions... what is the inspiration for this unfortunate-looking character?
There is an artist who goes by Woodedwoods and they draw some of the creepiest, but also cutest characters. I was inspired to attempt a similar concept in my odd way of drawing things.
Oh, look at the all the added effort on the butterflies! Even when I zoom in, they are beautifully detailed. <3
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it :)
The coloring makes me think of a conch shell, but I'm guessing that's intentional, what with the spiky is that her actual head or a helmet?
Yes it's intentional, It's a shell Helmet :D
I will admit that you made a great argument with this drawing, because it is extremely adorable and I want to hug that plump Pokemon so badly, but I still maintain my stance on Flareon being the cutest, fuzziest and warmest Eeveelution.
Awww hahah thanks! :D i love flareon! Perhaps I should draw that one next in this style :P
I'm sure somebody will post their celebratory piece a month from now, so a day late is nothing. Does this individual have a new? A backstory? An NES console and a functioning copy of Bubble Bobble to sell to me for cheap? ...or is this just something fun you wanted to whip up for the NG holiday?
Just something fun and quick. With characters I draw, I get bored with having the same ones over and over. I feel like I should start writing backstories for some of them though. I need to get better about that....
Wait, so, Audrey II has a butthole?
All that food she eats has to go somewhere.
To better emphasize the joke, you should have depicted a small tribe of the red and blue varieties, since it kinda requires a group of them to properly recreate the meme, and possibly included their leader commander Gaztons, because I've seen him in many of the videos. With only a single, chubby Knuckles, this could just as well be about all those Knuckles Sings videos, rather than VRChat.
Outside of that, he looks great. Seems happy, well fed, and fully knowledgeable on "de way."
Oh shoot, you're right...!
I always enjoy bright colors, but I don't know much about any of the girls.
I'm guessing I should play this at some point, huh?
It is quite an enjoyable game. The beginning is a bit slow, but after day 2 it really starts to pick up.
Joined on 6/25/13