"spent the majority of my time on here today stressing about machine learning and having my art stolen, and then i ultimately gave up on trying to do anything about it because i quite literally can't."
I suppose you could look into Glaze and Nightshade. They would turn your art into AI-recognized works but would essentially "poison" the learning process for those trying to steal it. Wouldn't stop them from doing so, but I believe it would delay the process and make it more expensive. Can't vouch for their effectiveness (I'm not an artist), but it might be worth looking into if the end result is turning your talent into cursed treasure for those trying to steal it.
"anyway, here's the one-hundred twenty-fifth Pokémon"
Yes, and it's interesting to point out that which version this is, since Electabuzz has strange variations that depict them with four, five, or even six fingers on each hand... or maybe it's just me who finds that intriguing. I don't know.
Overall, it's a nice little piece of fan art. Not as appreciated nowadays as it was before the inclusion of the Electivire evolution, so I'm sure all of the, like, dozen fans of Electabuzz around the world will be elated to see their striped sweetheart receive some much-needed love from soon-to-be-world-famous artist Toggle.