Working at 3AM? Man, I wish I could score a night shift. Get things done without having to socialize with... ugh, people.
Working at 3AM? Man, I wish I could score a night shift. Get things done without having to socialize with... ugh, people.
Interesting. I thought most of them were much shorter than humans... more like goblins or dwarves in height. Cipher and Padre are an amazing-looking pair of... whatever they are and Acht is kind of cute. What are they? ...a goth or emo type of octoling? Why is there a metal wall phone from the early 1900s?
Even I had that thought until one of my friends at dA pointed out that Marina is actually 178cm... which is the average human height (you could probably tell how shocked I was upon learning this lol). From what I can gather though, most people speculated that both Inkfish's average height is 1.50, but there have been notable exceptions... like Off the Hook. I Eight would at least gain some inches since in-game time canonically moves with real world and there some pieces of concept art to showcase that, so I would at least apply that in some form.
These types of species that these two are come from Malacostraca in which crabs are part of, so maaaaaaybe they're crustaceans. (don't look up "Luciferidae" though, you'll risk yourself of getting the "deepsea fear" while witnessing a stroke of fascination)
Mhmm, they wear these shades because they didn't like their eyes making them look cute, wears mostly black and has boots, broke the dress code during the Octo Valley days, likes cramped spaces and doesn't like going outside all that much and is rather laid-back. Suppose that checks it.
You'll find out soon enough. heh
The name had me thinking of Beast Wars. The description reminded me of Dinosaucers. The trope of carnos vs. herbos is like a prehistoric version of Beastars (Zootopia, too, probably, but I never saw that). All sorts of animation going through my mind now thanks to your simple remake of an old story. If you had an ongoing concept like this, it would benefit from having a "poorly" drawn aesthetic. Easier to draw, animate, and even turn into marketable plushies and other merch. Remember, factors like what an accurate depiction of a velociraptor's appearance might be don't really matter unless you're trying to market yourself as being historical... educational... blah blah blah. All you need to focus on is delivering an interesting story with likable characters. Be as inaccurate as you wish if it's for the sake of entertainment.
the thought of an animated Dino Wars gave me so many ideas. i think i'll make an animatic later.
I only used Skype a few times. Most I knew talked on Ventrilo and, in recent years, on Discord. I generally prefer typing out responses since I have a bad habit of talking over others, but some conversations are just best experienced verbally, especially if the other guy is a stupid, happy drunk.
Depending on the situation, change is a necessity or a luxury and I'm noticing it is becoming more of a luxury as I grow older and struggle more with adapting. Change is scary, but the thought of not being able to change in the future seems more terrifying.
Personally, i liken being stuck and unable to change to practically being 3 feet into my own grave. Because being any way for too long (although that varies) can and will reach a point where you suddenly drop the other 3 feet down and can't ever go back.
Marina: "...and someday a loud gremlin half your size will somehow manage to pin you down and make you her partner."
Younger Marina: "Should I be scared?"
Marina: "Only if you forget the safe word."
Had to hold my breath from emitting a loud laughter. This almost comes close to DBZA territory.
(technically Marina is the one who followed Pearl around when they met on Mt. Nantai and blurted to her "let's be a band!" in her limited inklish, so it's actually the other way around lol)
"spent the majority of my time on here today stressing about machine learning and having my art stolen, and then i ultimately gave up on trying to do anything about it because i quite literally can't."
I suppose you could look into Glaze and Nightshade. They would turn your art into AI-recognized works but would essentially "poison" the learning process for those trying to steal it. Wouldn't stop them from doing so, but I believe it would delay the process and make it more expensive. Can't vouch for their effectiveness (I'm not an artist), but it might be worth looking into if the end result is turning your talent into cursed treasure for those trying to steal it.
"anyway, here's the one-hundred twenty-fifth Pokémon"
Yes, and it's interesting to point out that which version this is, since Electabuzz has strange variations that depict them with four, five, or even six fingers on each hand... or maybe it's just me who finds that intriguing. I don't know.
Overall, it's a nice little piece of fan art. Not as appreciated nowadays as it was before the inclusion of the Electivire evolution, so I'm sure all of the, like, dozen fans of Electabuzz around the world will be elated to see their striped sweetheart receive some much-needed love from soon-to-be-world-famous artist Toggle.
The thought of any member of the Clock Crew providing therapeutic comfort is mildly humorous in its own right, but it's also a clever idea for Strawberry in particular. I would like to imagine the leaves are silky soft for an alternative texture to fiddle with, too. (Crown sold separately)
"I’m not sure if Strawberry Clock is a Newgrounds OC (I mean it’s somebody’s OC) like the Tankmen (?)"
I guess it would be more accurate to say that the King of the Portal is a mascot, rather than an OC, of the site. He wasn't specifically created for NG. It just kind of happened thanks to the success of B.
Great to see you participating in a collab, SS. Getting your name out there... making some friends... other stuff. I'm jealous that you managed to isolate your hopping around to different parts of the image itself. Whenever I struggle with something, I tend to walk away from it entirely to distract myself with either a video game or another task.
I can see that.
That's pretty fair. Interesting info about the creator, for sure.
I appreciate it! Well, I had to walk away from this a few times, but I'm too stubborn to give up sometimes. Hopping around helps with keeping the quality consistency of the image. You don't want to hyper focus on only one area, then get burned out and the rest of the areas aren't up to par.
Kind of badass. Reminds me of those spells in RPGs that summon a powerful being but the player only gets to see the upper part of the body as the attack happens.
classic JRPGs god summons go crazy
Was he struck with a powerful love boop to the snoot or is this one of those nosebleed moments commonly seen in anime?
Bit of rough love for a poor bruiser
Joined on 6/25/13