Good stuff from Haywire Horny, Instinctual Unconsenting hugging compulsions, I DOn't kNOW, The nuzzlers, Shoulder fetish, Lustful loony, and #21.
Farmin' Weeds and Cartoon Babe were alright. I wanted to love them, but there's just not a whole lot going on with either song to merit a second listen.
Is Top Left Drawer sampling Dat Weasel?
Succo's piece reminds me of the Flintstones theme song. I don't know why. Is that intended or have I been listening to SiIvaGunner too much lately?
I cut my uvula off with scissors!!! :D, Breasts be Brutes, and The End! are all painful for me to listen to. I'm sorry.
A fairly decent album you got here. I hope you go back and rework/add to some of these. Hate to see the potential go to waste.
Thank you, HOTS.