In my unbiased opinion, this is the single greatest piece of art to ever be added to Newgrounds.
In my unbiased opinion, this is the single greatest piece of art to ever be added to Newgrounds.
i know! thank you!
Well, that's adorably menacing.
Thank you!
I don't remember Ma... "Karn" looking this muscular. Tisbore out here making the main protagonist tough AND buff. Looks great.
Mae's a good girl. Can't hate Mae. I think it's implied in the remake that she might have had a crush on Max but there's speculation that she ended up having a kid with Ken. I don't know. Kind of a weird, partially implied background with her.
You presented her in a somewhat cute pose. Mae's kind of a serious-minded fighter, so if she was asked to stand still for one of your drawings (instead of being in a fight), I bet she would do her best to look presentable, but would also seem a little annoyed with waiting for her picture to be finished. That's the impression I get with this illustration, at least.
As always, thank you, Tisbore.
Ken usually ends up being the first one I replace. He looks bland. He feels bad midway into the game, and there are far more interesting characters using lances. The drawing looks dull, which works for this particular character. I get the impression that Ken is suppose to be dull.
You know his name was mistranslated? Suppose to be Lug. Honestly, I like Luke better.
The only one of the beginner bunch worth keeping throughout the entire game. I originally thought Tao and Hans, because they have range, but as you recruit similar characters, they just feel underwhelming. Luke can be replaced with Gort (or many other characters, for that matter), but when you realize he's still powerful in his own right, it's really tempting to simply keep both on your team the entire time and allow both dwarves to double team a new enemy every turn.
Look at that pose you went with, Tisbore! You got Luke utilizing that short stature to maintain his stability as he holds up an axe that's almost as tall as he is. I was expecting you give Luke that simple, one-handed axe and casual smile on his face that the guy joins with, but you made him look proper and battle ready. Very nice.
Diane's the older sister of the two (I think she's the oldest of all three), but your depiction of Tao definitely looks more like an adult and seems far more confident than I would expect from a mage apprentice. Disregarding her backstory, however, the artwork here is nice and I didn't know an older, matured Tao was something I would greatly appreciate seeing. <3
Thank you, Tisbore, for continuing this series of drawings. Will the entire Shining Force 2 roster get the same treatment when you're done with the first Force game (which is technically a sequel, as well)? I do believe I've seen you draw a few of the characters from that game already (Zynk being the favorite of the ones I've spotted so far).
Most drawings are just my interpretation, for fun.. lol. I plan to draw SF2, just wanna draw some other stuff first.. thanks for commenting!
I don't know why, but that facial expression gives off a completely different vibe to how I always imagined Gong. When you recruit him, it's basically just him telling you, "I'm Gong. I'm joining your team. This conversation is over." The blunt, pushy attitude combined with the serious look of his portrait makes me think he's been through a lot and just wants it to end. Here, you got him seeming like some good-natured oaf just wanting to put his brute strength to good use helping others. Either way, the drawing is excellent.
Welcome back, Tisbore.
One of the best characters in the game! I love having Gort on my team. Sometimes I have him paired with Luke/Lug, but I'll sooner drop Luke than I will this brawling drunk. Good early on. Great in the late game. Even your artwork highlights the badass old man energy coming off from this guy.
I originally thought Khris was a deer girl and didn't realize she was just a poorly-drawn dog until I saw her redesign in the remake. I thought she was attractive, but that's partially because her design stood out more from the other characters who joined the party early on and partially because her introverted personality was refreshing from the other, braver characters you unlock. I do not like her in the remake, even with the maid outfit. I do, however, like this drawing. Never thought about what she'd look like from a front view, but now I know anyhow!
Thank you, Tisbore
Lol.. I thought she was a deer anthro too! I even drew her with deer type ears till I read about her race, I changed her ears back to elf like ears.. thank you!
Joined on 6/25/13