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A third drawing?! Man, Funky, alongside HoboKa's four song uploads, you two are really spoiling me with new content today. I feel truly blessed right now.

I hate Robbie. He has always creeped me out. Your rendition of him, however, looks like what I'd imagine him to be like in New Horizons. Carmen looks clean and is appropriately not being peppy towards her fellow rabbit. It's a dumb idea, but you did a great job with it.

FunkySquidd responds:

Thanks for the nice comment and for noticing I drew more today. Hahha the idea that my art would be something you look forward to is flattering.

He is pretty creepy. Especially with that part in SH4.

All I need to say about this is "Happy Birthday" to a great-lookin' Hazel!

Nicely done, Squidd.

FunkySquidd responds:

Thanks, dude! I'm not happy with how this came out but that's just cause I'm lacking a lot of practice, hahaha. But I appreciate your kind words

The legs up to the waist look fine, but I don't believe the fingers on his right hand should be facing the viewer. The torso being hidden within the upper portion of his seemingly-oversized gi gives the illusion that his chest lacks any sort of muscular definition. That alone wouldn't be a problem, except this Akuma also has a rounded, chubby face and his neck is completely hidden by Goutetsu's prayer beads, rather than hanging down his chest a bit. It all makes him look more like a teenager cosplaying as the guy. There's a lot of official artwork for Akuma though, and the proportions of everything on him changes with each piece, so it's difficult to pinpoint which one(s) you referenced for your illustration (I know it's not lion's mane Akuma in SFV, at least).

I didn't peg you for a Street Fighter fan. Is Akuma whom you usually play as or do you just like his design? For SFII, SFIV, and in various spin-off fighters, I preferred using Zangief. I didn't touch SFV. That game was a mess at launch and wants too much money for its cosmetics. I got SFIV in a Humble Bundle, or else I wouldn't have played it, either.

FunkySquidd responds:

Thanks for critique! Very long and informative.
There is a lot wrong with this, I'll admit. But I mostly treated it as a warm up drawing to help me get back into the flow of drawing as I've felt like I've been under performing as of late. But that doesn't invalidate my errors, so thanks :) It's true i just skipped the torso part and if I drew it, it could have added volume and weight to it.

Street Fighter is my favorite gaming franchise :) I love the characters, art overall, and games themselves. Lol nah. I just like Akuma for his design but even more so his role in the lore of the game. His relationship to Ryu is great and he's a relatively interesting character. I can't stand fighting Akuma in most of the games as he's usually very powerful with good frame data. I'm not a very good player tho.
I like Zangief but prefer Hugo when it comes to the grapplers. I agree with you on sf5. Such a shame they rushed it out the door. It's definitely gotten better over the years but I'm still looking forward to the sequel more so.
My favorite characters are probably Makoto, Adon, Hugo, Rose, Dan, and Dudley

Scary how real this comic feels. What's scarier is that I don't even have a stylus, so you're better off than I am.

veeko-neeko responds:

I was in a real place when I made it I guess, lol. And hey, you can still get a lot of mileage without a stylus! I used to do all my digital stuff with a mouse (granted, it can get annoying and takes a lot of patience)

...and then he gets copyright claimed by Capitol Records for the use of the song title "Positive Vibes" (not even the actual song itself) from the band Kottonmouth Kings and Bertn has to get his drawing back by disputing the claim through YouArt. Meanwhile, Pete is just admiring his fingers, as we all should. They fing like no other!

Bertn1991 responds:

Capitol Records strikes again. YouArt has become ThemArt!

Much nicer-looking hand.

I don't believe Happy Meal toys drool while you hold them, and I thought the Coco Toy from McDonalds was of Miguel's head (with a tiny body) from the movie COCO. Something seems fishy here, if not downright creepy, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh well. Thank you for sharing your strangely wet Coco toy, Funky. That was very sweet of you.

FunkySquidd responds:

Wow what a lovely comment! Thank you, bro!
Yea instead of drawing a typical cute Coco, i felt like giving her creepy teeth like she has in her 3d renders for the N.Sane Trilogy games.
And hilarious comment xD you should review movies or something

What is there to consider? She should already have a copy. She should have already played and beaten that copy and started drawing fan art of it to post on Newgrounds.

The head's looking nice, the index finger looks broken, however, and I wish she had her body, but it is a decent warm-up. You may need to start practicing drawing hands.

FunkySquidd responds:

yea my hands aren't that good but I'll get better at them :) thanks for the critique!

Yes, I, too, remember listening to Squiddpence None the Saner back in the late nineties. I would close my eyes and experience the most colorful nightmares.

Is this just you practicing different positions and expressions or is there a hidden meaning that goes with the title?

FunkySquidd responds:

hahaha. I'm jealous of the fact you see nightmares when listening to that song

yea i was just sketching random stuff cause i was having a hard time drawing and was given advice just to sketch stuff. The song has nothing to do with the image x)

The sisterly villagers are the most prone to violence. The worm's eye view was a nice touch. It really adds to the intimidation.

FunkySquidd responds:

Lol they'll do anything to protect their player/little sibling. I love em

Thanks! I wanted to practice a different angle so the shape of the character could be presented better rather then just at a flat angle where she'd look flat

This reminds me of that abstract art my dad would buy to decorate some random wall. Hell, I remember when he gave me this big-ass one with a few rectangles and circles painted on a background of various browns and there were two spots on the canvas that were hard, round pieces of plastic. $200. He spent two hundred bucks on that thing. I didn't like it and I didn't understand it, but the man who made it got 199 more dollars than I think he deserved for that thing, so, clearly, he knows what he's doing.

I imagine I'm going to someday walk into someone's home and find this on their wall. The owner will proudly tell me, "It's an original Squidd, you know."

FunkySquidd responds:

Dude that would absolutely ROCK, hahaha. Love that little anecdote x)
Thanks for commenting on all 3 of my latest uploads! Your support is precious!


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