Oddly similar to the winter piece provided two days ago what with the placements of the flyer, Vector, Sonic, and tiny Eggman in the background. A Christmas tree is a great excuse for tossing in all sorts of obscure references and eye candy into a holiday work, so it was a missed opportunity to only feature the doctor (though he is the best Sonic character). I am going to make the assumption now that Vector might be your favorite and, if so, I respect the Hell out of that. I love the power-based characters in most games. If he's not your favorite, then you clearly need to make more fanart featuring him until you change your mind.
*reads the last line* No, you can't just bribe people on NG to be friends by offering them high-quality art. You have to make friends the same way as everyone else here - providing an awkward first-impression followed by a friend request that causes you to suffer from anxiety and regret the longer it takes for the recipient to respond even though they are probably taking forever to respond because they're also typing up an awkward reply and are constantly rewriting it because they are too embarrassed to just send it already.
Merry Christmaugust, by the way. Sorry, I didn't get you anything (back in 2021). I hope another one of my dull, long-winded comments will suffice.