You should have also included the amabiko in this drawing. That would have doubled the protection power.
You should have also included the amabiko in this drawing. That would have doubled the protection power.
From what I remember "Amabiko" is a variant and/or is the same creature under a different name do to different cultures in japan, kinda like how the Boogieman is essentially Slenderman, El Coco, Candyman, etc. Same creature that does the same thing, different name and appearance more than likely to fit the time period or culture
Draw a line. Wash your hands.
Add some color. Wash your hands.
Upload your art. Wash your hands.
Dry your hands. Wash your hands.
Please, support the artist. Then, wash your hands.
I'm reminded of Filbert from Rockos Modern life when he's talking about reading comics with all these wash your hands pics
I was indifferent towards her up until... 2005, I think... she decided to abuse her power to harass a business owner whose employees wouldn't let her into the building because it had stopped allowing new customers inside fifteen minutes prior to her arrival. I mean, that's common policy for most businesses. When you're closing, you don't suddenly kick everyone out, but you also don't let anyone else in. The owner (whose business was now being actively boycotted by Oprah's fans) even had to go onto the show, apologize for his staff doing their jobs properly, and give her the overpriced purse (which I'm sure she desperately needed THAT day) for free.
Seeing this piece and learning about her fans flipping out over a harmless slip and fall doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm just glad she didn't decide to stand in front of a camera the next day and start blasting the manufacturers of her shoes for it while demanding a face-to-face apology in front of a live audience.
Thank you for your input, really thought I was gonna catch some hands for drawing this lol honestly I feel nothing for Oprah other than her being this huge force others are afraid of
There's an Apocalypse going on and I wasn't invited... again?! Seriously though, I work in a grocery store, which is deemed "essential", so it's just life as usual for me while everyone else has a good excuse to not work or go to school.
What an adorably hostile-lookin' kiddo you got there, Fishstick! I love seeing a full-body illustration from you again. Hopefully, this wasn't drawn on either toilet paper or paper towel. Those are precious commodities, you know!
Damn I would not be able to work in a grocery store during this weird time. You're braver than me.
Reminds me of the video Sad Scyther, except not as funny. The drawing is good though. You did an amazing job on the hands, but there are a few things off about the second panel. The body shows no swinging motion of any kind when attempting that sort of high five and the other arm is missing entirely. Had it been a five of the "up high" variety, then the severed hand would have been higher up or, at least, not perfectly aligned with the arm like that, and while I thought the force of the slice might have pushed the arm down, that cut looks quick and clean. The arm would more likely have still been in the air after the strike. I'm clearly thinking too much about this. Your art is improving and this is proof of that. That's all that matters, isn't it?
No, you're good man! You have a better sense of physics than I do lol. I'll have to look up Sad Scyther.
Edit: that was amazing lmao
HOTS be lookin' like Critic-Burnt in OFF. It's still a really neat painting from you, Chutney. It's not the sort of thing I would have expected, either.
expect the unexpected >:)
I stand at the urinal for over two minutes most of the time waiting to finish, because I have a bad habit of drinking too much at a time, but the idea of walking around still wetting myself grosses me out. Still, I can understand why some might do this in a public restroom though. You got a guy waiting behind you and you don't want to stand there for too long, because you know what it feels like to hold it in for too long.
yeah it is gross i just happen to do it because im not really paying attention :(
I don't have an account to any of these, so the meaning behind why and how each picture represents each site is lost on me, however, the image with Sweetie Belle is really cute. On the other hand/hoof, that butt shot looks crooked. Is the crack off center? Is her tail coming out of the crack itself? Normally, I'd check for similar art first, but I don't really have a strong desire to stare at horse butts for reference, so I apologize if what I type is wrong out of sheer ignorance.
It's a meme going around on how people's profile pictures are on different social medias. You will probably see more of this meme in days to come. The "ass crack" was referenced from that screen shot of Fluttershy in a very similar pose. It looks odd but that's how it looks more or less. The goal was to not have her tail hide her face and to make it looks somewhat show accurate as if she is uploading these herself. Thanks for the positive feedback and rating!
I'm guessing she's mighty dangerous wielding a broom with a paint brush at the end of its handle. I like seeing fingers on your OCs. Too many get the PPG treatment. She has nice-looking hair, as well. Probably bopped a stylist on the noggin at some point.
bobbical1916, I dare type that your name in the description is continuously warping into complete mess. You may need to sprinkle some root beer on it to help your name stick better.
I could've sworn I replied to this when I saw it. Oh well ^.^'
Yeah, most of my characters probably envy her 10 glorious digits. It must be nice being able to bop noggins to get what you want. I would've bopped my algebra teacher so I wouldn't have to go to that class. Algebra is cool, that class was not. Er, anyways, have a wonderful February and may the Force be with you!
- RootBeer1917
Joined on 6/25/13