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I don't know. I've always being told I'm a bucket, if I'm an inanimate object at all. People spend their time using me to help clean up their messes and mistakes, then dump me out in the street when I can't handle any more of it. I spend the rest of my time in my dark little home, waiting until life forces me to go back out and suffer through the same cycle again. Yeah, unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I'm just a bucket, but your kind words about me being a jar are appreciated nonetheless. Thank you.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Well damn. That was depressing, but quite true for my life as well.

I'm kind of a fan of whimsical space and dream art, especially the kind that you would gladly expose to your kids, and while something like this is a fairly common sight (more often with the moon wearing a sleep cap), it doesn't stop me from enjoying this. I also prefer simplistic wallpapers, especially on small devices, since the busier, more detailed stuff I've seen typically ends up squished and cluttered-looking when condensed. I don't care for the title though, but you've mentioned your lack of creativity with them in the past.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Titles are quite difficult to come up with. Personally, I do not like this piece's title, at the time I couldn't think of a better one.

From that position, it seems somewhat unnatural for the left arm to be completely missing (unless she's sitting on it), though I guess it's not impossible for it to be hidden behind that big bottom, and the right arm could use a little work. Other than that, I think this is cute. Great job, kitty.

Go get some rest.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Thanks man!

Aren't they an cutesy lot! I wouldn't mind having simplified figurines or even keychain versions of the mascots like this.

Thank you, George.

CrazyCreators responds:

Thank you I'm really glad you liked it. :D

I don't even know what book this is covering, but it does look intriguing, or am I suppose to pun this by claiming it looks ducky, instead? I mean, well, I don't know. I try to leave puns to the professionals, and by "professionals" I mean people who hate themselves and are actively persuading me to hate them just as much through telling me puns. Before I derail myself again with additional babble, what book is this?

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

It's not a pun it's just weird. It was a doodle from math of my one friend as a goose that I turned into a digital thing. The book is a collection of dumb shit that people in my Latin class say.

I'm very much a dog person, and I tend to act like a goofy idiot around them, so there's a strong bias towards loving all the dogs in this. The top two are my favorites. St. Bernards are especially soft and cuddly. They are perfect for hugs. Dachshunds are a hilarious sight when excited. A friend of mine owns one. She never stops wiggling when she moves.


amenduhh responds:

Haha Yea you can tell i'm a dog person as well. I have a dog of my own. Yea Dachshunds are so funny, but they never seem to like other dogs :| There big for humans! Thanks so much for your response. I will take note of it.

A lot better than what I did with mine when I first got it set up, and I like how you posted something called "Rain" on the day Newgrounds decides to go solar.

Any particular inspiration behind this?

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

It was raining in my town and I love the rain. I just happened to finish it today, so before I forgot, I posted it today.

When I saw the thumbnail, I thought it was fanart for Breadwinners, and I then though, "Who would be a fan of that awful piece of..." and I noticed it wasn't, and I'm now curious for Harvey Beaks. I never watched the show before, but perhaps I oughta. Thanks, Thunder.

TallBird responds:

It's a cute show for sure. Nothing tooth-rottingly sweet, but is a fun, feel-good toon. Thanks dude. :)

Content like this never appeals to me, but I am curious as to what inspired you to draw something based on a tune that's even older than I am.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

I just had it stuck in my head and it came on my music playlist while I was drawing, do decided to draw a beautiful fat bottomed girl.

Saw the punchline a mile away. Still enjoyed it. It's the kind of thing one might see in a collection of animated shorts on television, similiar to Cartoon Sushi or Oh Yeah! Cartoons.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

I had trouble thinking of a good joke, so I just came up with a stupid one


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