Oh nice! You finally finished that crossover I specifically asked for! *nods in approval*
"I just thought it would be even more impactful if you got to gift yourself in way could think of." - For a few years, I thought like that and would buy my own birthday cake back when I worked at a bakery. When a co-worker found out, she said it made me sound sad and pathetic and refused to sell me cake on my birthday. Instead, she just gave me one each year.
Happy late birthday (or early next-year birthday), I suppose. I am all out of wishes to send you, but I do still have a few blessings, a handful of celebratory cheer, and brownie mix in the kitchen. If nothing is to your liking, please know that the kitties around here are all strays that wander the neighborhood. Darting them would accomplish nothing.
I am curious to know the non-Vector and non-Syrup shift in your "personal favourites" but I assume I will learn about them in your future works and would rather not be spoiled ahead of time.