I suppose this was meant to be. I went to look up these two and even the wiki highlights the similarity in personality between them when I read a little on Gnarly Eddy. Going by what little I read, Nails likely would have been at the foot of Eddy, rather than on his head, though I guess it would be quicker to travel if Eddy carried him to Flow's. The lack of a background means I am not sure if one is visiting the other of if both merely ran into each other while out and about. The void allows the viewer to make up their own scenario, I suppose. My guess is that Flow is looking to borrow a model for her wares.
"actually went out of my way to disassemble it and clean its parts from dust without thinking about getting help (which was scary btw, I kept thinking that the whole thing might fall apart if I pressed the brush even slightly)"
I had to do that with adding thermal paste for my PC once. Terrifying because I had seen my younger brother bend the pins on a computer he was tampering with years prior and I was worried I would make the same mistake.
"Would you be surprised if I told you that I'm still using that same laptop. Even NOW. AND STILL FUNCTIONS just fine. (with a few drawbacks of course) Might be the luckiest portable electronic I've ever owned."
Never owned a laptop but considering how many times I watched my old man leave his in places where dogs could stomp on it or how he'd always have it opened near the edge of his bed or shelf, I am guessing it's rare for one to last long. For me, it's an iPod Shuffle that has continued to function after years of use. Even now, it's what I listen to during clean-up at work or whenever I'm doing yard work. Apple used to make some excellent products.