Pretty embarrassing of me to have assumed that the captain was the main antagonist of Decap Attack prior to reading your description. I won't touch another point-and-click adventure unless I'm forced to, but I have no valid excuse for not playing DA. It's typically included in Sega Classics collections and I've always indulged myself in casual platforming. Sigh, well, I got three more Puyo games during a sale to finish first, but I suppose I can add that to my immediate list. Quit giving me new (but actually old) games to play, Cami.
The detail work is phenomenal (I made sure to zoom in on the picture a few times to better appreciate the piece) and the interaction between these two is quite appropriate. LeChuck has clearly embraced the horror aspect of his rotting existence far more than the other Chuck and the intimidation on display highlights that.
"Even though I have a feeling that this would barely get any attention due to the obscurity, I still like drawing stuff that I like." Hey, it's about bringing out the best in your talent and that is much easier to accomplish when you stick to what you enjoy most... obscure or not. Plus, the obscure stuff helps set you apart from others. For example, I followed you for Adventure Island art... not for Splatoon.