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Can't say that I get the pun... the pepper pun. "Too perfect to be a Pepper" would have been a great slogan for Pibb to run against its rival's "Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?" though.

Should have known you'd eventually do fanart for a game inspired by Wario. Should have also known that it would be of the boss who fights like classic Wario. It's an excellent game.

The strong expressions of Pizza Tower's characters seem like a perfect fit for your style. Phil here is a shining example of that. If anyone among that bunch thought they deserved their own show, it would be Pepperman.

ICam2k responds:

I've had the feeling that pun's reference would be too obscure for many so I might as well break in. There's an animated show released in the late 90's called Pepper Ann by Disney. Saw a video reviewing the show and noticed the title... and then made the connection that only seemed funny in my head. (although I feel like I've seen some snippets of the show when I was young, the art style felt a little similar when I saw it, but I don't know what it's about though)

It was bound to happen. More Wario, the merrier, even if the garlic gobbling fatass wasn't the main star. The characters still sold it enough for me. (I also think the Gus'n'Brick sections where legit the most fun parts of the game)

I might come back to this as long as I can think of better funnies, but from now, I'm gonna need to take a few practices to truly nail down such styles like this.

I suppose this was meant to be. I went to look up these two and even the wiki highlights the similarity in personality between them when I read a little on Gnarly Eddy. Going by what little I read, Nails likely would have been at the foot of Eddy, rather than on his head, though I guess it would be quicker to travel if Eddy carried him to Flow's. The lack of a background means I am not sure if one is visiting the other of if both merely ran into each other while out and about. The void allows the viewer to make up their own scenario, I suppose. My guess is that Flow is looking to borrow a model for her wares.

"actually went out of my way to disassemble it and clean its parts from dust without thinking about getting help (which was scary btw, I kept thinking that the whole thing might fall apart if I pressed the brush even slightly)"

I had to do that with adding thermal paste for my PC once. Terrifying because I had seen my younger brother bend the pins on a computer he was tampering with years prior and I was worried I would make the same mistake.

"Would you be surprised if I told you that I'm still using that same laptop. Even NOW. AND STILL FUNCTIONS just fine. (with a few drawbacks of course) Might be the luckiest portable electronic I've ever owned."

Never owned a laptop but considering how many times I watched my old man leave his in places where dogs could stomp on it or how he'd always have it opened near the edge of his bed or shelf, I am guessing it's rare for one to last long. For me, it's an iPod Shuffle that has continued to function after years of use. Even now, it's what I listen to during clean-up at work or whenever I'm doing yard work. Apple used to make some excellent products.

ICam2k responds:

Now that you mention, it would've been better to draw Gnarly Eddy dropping Nails on accident when he gets caught off guard by Flow. But at the same time, snails to stick on other things thanks to their mucus, so idk which one works best.

Stuff like this is terrifying in general. Motherboards, hard drives or anything that includes pins are so complex yet sensitive. It doesn't help that the components are pretty small too. Even with the intent of fixing can lead to the thought disaster because of the possibility of screwing one particular component that might be essential. Most of us often have to be really be careful about that. I can already imagine the hurdles the people went through when inventing these.

I actually use a lenovo with an amd-fx. Kind of a standard laptop. I've heard others mention about the AMD chips not being as good as others, but it work just fine for me. As for anything Apple related, it's the iPhone (although I used to own Samsung Androids prior to this), but the reason I even got it was thanks to a good friend of mine gifting me with it. It may be version 8, but it still runs pretty good. That's the main one to play my music on and watch videos when I go out.
Even my brother has one, so I guess we twin.

Never seen it, but the name sounds like a sequel idea for The Fly... just films about dudes turning into different insects. Very creepy, I'm sure. I only recall watching wrestling events and playing MTG during sleepovers.

I absolutely adore the vibrant color choice though it does imply this home has some truly hideous wallpaper going on. The sight of the CRT television here makes me wish I still had mine (was lied to about having to leave it behind roughly four years ago).

I still have some windows with no curtains or blinds on them while two have noticeable holes in them and I continue to have this fear of something peering through the windows and staring back at me. Eventually, I will need to save up enough money to get those covered even if it's only to ease one fear. I'll continue to have the other one of "one could still break in without any resistance" lingering in the back of my mind.

MoeAnguish responds:

Kind of reminds me of when i read somewhere that when you feel like you're being looked at, you probably are sensing that correctly. But sometimes your senses "misfire" so you end up just... getting paranoid. I want to verify how true this is but I'm too scared of reading too much.

Classic Sonics from classic Cami. Pretty sure I've seen Sonic do the nose rub thing before. Maybe he has allergies. Maybe slowing down causes his nose to become stuffy. Maybe "gotta go fast" means he becomes ill if he doesn't keep moving. Cami from 2018 needs to take Sonic to a doctor or a vet or whatever to make he gets the medicine he needs.

Seems like the artwork in old instruction manuals inspired a lot of artists. Still, Game Gear? You must have eaten through a lot of batteries to have one of those things. I borrowed one from a friend long, long ago and it looked amazing. It also died quickly and convincing his parents to keep buying him batteries was no good. Glad those games are now available on other platforms to inspire more fanart.

If you have any more similar pieces like these and the previous one you posted, you oughta bundle them together. People love to see the growth an artist makes over the years side-by-side.

Me: "Awwww ye! Sonic on his way to a special stage!"
Also me: "Awwww ye! Missed an emerald. Time to reset the game!"

This is a wonderful tribute to Vector's sidekick, Sonic, but now I'm curious about these other anniversary pieces you mentioned... this bonus Cami content you've kept to yourself.

ICam2k responds:

Hate that bonus stage. Absolute definition of trial and error. (doesn't help knowing that it got added in last minute during the development of Sonic 2)
Ask nicely and you shall receive. :)

Alright. You got me. I haven't played Wonder so when I saw you added Yoshi on Mario's back, I thought that was a thing. I looked it up to discover the opposite and that he's an invincible "easy mode" choice alongside Nabbit, as well. A shame you can't just switch between those features for everyone to allow players to use their favorites.

I think the concept is neat on a first playthrough, but I am unsure of whether or not I would still find Wonder charming once I've seen all the wackiness. Mario games are generally quirky anyhow, but it's not their selling point, so it worries me a little to buy it. Elephant that spits water doesn't sound like a mechanic that can carry this title's price tag. Plus, I have no interest in playing with other... people.

Man, I wish this art was true. Yoshi deserves to be carried around for a change and Mario's expression here is perfect.

ICam2k responds:

Well here's a surprise for you. I've yet to play the game too. I technically made this doodle by the time the game got revealed, purely as a joke because it was funny to think that the dino would get to be the rider for once... on the plumber even. Role reversal pretty much, except less weird.
I'm still thinking whether I should buy the game too. Although mainly because there are other offers out there that peeked my interest (gotta hold my wallet to make my choices you know?)
Still though, it does look quite intriguing. Not once did I see any videos or even screenshots from it that could be spoilers either, so I might still be able to play it blind.
I think you could still play the game alone, I don't see why Nintendo wouln't provide other options.

Taily must be the most patient and supportive listener. I'm surprised Kinuyo only has the one ferret, too. Every trait you listed just screams "crazy ferret lady" to me. She has so much to say yet only a single tiny pair of ears to take it all in.

Is this suppose to be your idea of a prelude to the story of Splatoon 3? *looks up Veronika* Dafuq is a Splat Tim?

The backgrounds are fine. Not sure I am spotting the issues who are, since nothing from them really stand out in comparison to your delightfully expressive Veronika and fish pal thing. Small fry? I love the interaction between these two. Usually, an artist doing the occasional strip will minimize the panels to emphasize the few moments that they really want to highlight, but you got each one being represented with two or three panels apiece. Makes the entire thing much easier to play out in my mind as I don't really have to fill in any gaps.

ICam2k responds:

You don't know who SPLAT TIM IS?!? That's it, I give up, I'm leaving this place permanently, I can't deal with this constant ignorance anymore!1!

Pretty much so. Or it could be a small excuse to show more attention to the cape that Veronika wore once. (seriously though that's seen in the character customization part and NOWHERE ELSE)

Now that I'm looking at these, yeah. I still think there are a few rough spots here and there, but they seem to have turned much better than how I initially thought. Same with the panels too. Comics like these are usually pretty hard to nail down, so I gotta thank you for that.
A small fry is pretty much a smaller variant (annoying to deal with but easy to take down) of the Salmonid species, which are only fought in Salmon Run. Give a look at these crooked beings, they're look goofy in a rather terrifying way. Their whole deal is that they're a barbaric army who vow take over everything they see, and also, they literally don't mind about dying whatsoever because they regard that as "part of the cycle of life" and use these weapons to make themselves look "tasty". Pretty appropriate.

It's alright. A little bland. Just by including a pair of simple lines above them, you could have added some eyebrows to allow for a few more expressions like sadness or anger. Maybe include a wink, a squint, or even had the pupils dilate as they face the viewer directly. Seems faithful to the original with its eyes but are you required to be that straightforward? Maybe slip in some of that Teo unique creativity.

TrandafirTeodora responds:

Thank you for your feedback!
Edit: I modified the animation. I hope you'll like it!


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