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Vector in that getup reminds me of Disney's Robin Hood. That film also has a crocodile in it. Unpopular opinion, it's my favorite animated film by Disney, alongside The Sword in the Stone.

Now knowing it was an official outfit for Sonic explains why there is so much more detail put into his appearance compared to Vector's simple black and gold costume. Both look great, but one's clearly more eye-catching than the other.

Not big into poetry. My apologies. It very rarely lands for me and usually only when paired with some other form of media.

I'm a little jealous that you have family trips. I guess that's what normal families are like though.

"Don't like changing history even with embarassing mistakes like this."

Many years ago, I kept a blog and when I revisited it, I noticed all the errors I had made in my oldest posts and began correcting them. After a while, I stopped and asked myself why I was changing the history of how I expressed myself? I couldn't go back and revert the old posts I finished, but I did erase all the edits in the piece I had been in the middle of and I stopped worrying about all my old typos and childish remarks.

I "wonder" if this was inspired by the giant Mario scene from the Koop-zilla episode of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. I also wonder how they tie their shoes like that... among other issues.

ICam2k responds:

I completely forgot about this episode (along with the Red hood one) while working on this drawing until now. Which is odd, I remember watching the entirety of Super Show on Youtube too, including the live skits. To be frank though, pretty much the majority of the Mario series as we know IS inspired by Super Show, so anything goes.

Fresh Halloween content is appreciated all year round and this group seems to represent the three major groups of the holiday - Big Man's the happy treaters you feel inclined to give extra treats for their enthusiasm as they stand at your door. Shiver's the bunch who want to dress up and decorate for scares, but sometimes they take it too far, too. Frye's neither scary nor cute, so she's clearly on the "mature" team who use this as an excuse to cosplay... for reasons. Clearly, I would join Big Man's group on this one.

ICam2k responds:

Frye felt to dress for the spirits. Splatoween spirits it seems.
That being said, same same. May have joined mostly for the Splatfest teams presented (went with the Ghosts between Zombies and Skeletons and guess what, they were winners, yes.) but also because BigMan's costume was just too cool. Simple, but still cool.

This guy reminds me a little of Spawn and The Maxx. I don't know anything about Jack, but visually he makes a fantastic first impression. No wonder you wanted to redraw him.

TheExtreamH responds:

Jacks an original character of LeHatt, yea his design really stuck on me.

Shiver looks amazing, despite not being the favourite, but her pose is rather bland... safe. She may be level headed, however, she is still an idol and it's important for her to convey that with something more dynamic... more intimate for the viewer.

What's the significance of the 8th day of "this" month?

ICam2k responds:

Eh, don't worry. She'll get her chance to do so by the time I'll post an another artwork (even though she's not alone in that one)

National Octopus Day. I thought It was pretty funny when I heard about that at first (there's also the Bear Day too), but at the same time, I thought it would be a nice challenge to draw characters for that day's theme specifically.

All I wanted for Tankmas was more TheExtreamH art.
This is truly a Tankmas miracle!

Never played a Mario Party other than the first one... gave myself a blister playing that. Good stuff (the game. not the blister) but I see a Shine Sprite from SMS and, shockingly enough, "Hudson Soft" in the description. I do love myself some old Hudson Soft content. I'm also a big sucker for warm, bright colors. A very strong first impression for this site. Thank you, Miss Shelly... or Miss Sunshine... or SS.... I'm just gonna stop now.

ShellySunshine responds:

I do too. Hudson Soft made some pretty great games, and it shows.

Many thanks for your comment!

Another Cami "quickie" huh? I can only imagine how intricate and detailed a non-quickie work of your art would become. Thinking something on the level of the Sistine Chapel but with Vector reaching out to Wario surrounded by hens.

I saw your Vector and thought "He's so fucking cool!" Decided to look up DJ Vector's official artwork from the game and... it's alright. I was more enthralled by the anger-looking cat girl in a Chinese dress. I guess you picked out a far better pose for him than Sega did. Maybe they need to look into having character-specific enthusiasts like yourself provide art for future games.

This seems like the perfect background choice... the, uh, CGA green monochrome displays from, like the 80s, I think? Yeah, I can see the appeal in that for a kid nowadays. My grandparents and great grandparents had all sorts of stuff that I never saw elsewhere growing up, so I became "entraced" at the sight of classic/metal toys, straw/cotton decorations, and furniture pieced together with slots and pegs rather than just glued and nailed.

The CPU problem was a thing with Mario Kart Tour, too. People don't wanna go online to play against AI.

ICam2k responds:

That idea sounds ridiculous yet tempting. I would probably do that on my birthday if I was crazy enough, but I don't know. Sistine Chapel's painting style seems a little overwhelming for me.
There are guds and duds here, but for the most part, the costumes are pretty neat. None of them feel overly detailed to the point they become an eyesore (like most gacha games) nor they're lackluster, so they get the job done. I still think DJ Vector is the best one in my opinion, but even I don't think he imediately trounces others' fashion sense.

I loooove the CGA too, even the monochrome ones. They look even more fascinating despite how people see them nowadays (although I'm more so with the C64, that one is like a whole different beast).

That's a problem for most phone apps with online play really and it usually happens even when there are some people tagging along. I would rather play even with just one player really, instead of having bots trail after me and spam their items all the time.

Without seeing the reference image you based this on (unless you just looked at yourself periodically in a mirror while drawing), I'm left guessing that you made the head slightly too big and the smile looks a little off... almost crazed. It's like you're biting down on your bottom lip and forcing yourself to grin for this. Always been a fan of short, messy hair on a woman. Surprised to not see any earrings or any other jewelry. The shading around the eyes makes you seem a little tired. I can definitely relate to that, if so. You hadn't posted much in a while, so I had been wondering how you were doing. Seems like you are well and I was worrying over nothing.

TrandafirTeodora responds:

I used a reference photo for this(the smile looks crazed because I forced myself to smile in that photo. I also have a bit of an overbite). I don't wear earrings and I usually don't wear other jewelry besides rings and necklaces. I'm definitely tired, so yeah. I was a bit down for a while, that's why I haven't been posting.
Edit: I've fixed the head, smile and eyes. I hope it's better now.

These two do seem to have a similar energy (and design), don't they? Never noticed it before.

FunkySquidd responds:

They do, indeed! I love em both but especially Misdreavus.
Thank you for still commenting on my art despite not having uploaded in years. I really appreciate that :)


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