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It's going to be a challenge having a rotten day after seeing this. I love that you have him squeezing out of a Game Boy screen. I almost missed that little detail which would have been shameful on my part considering how often you've mentioned your love of Wario Land.

"I planned to add more, but I was running out of space..." Yes, I noticed a lack of Wario-Man. He's studlier than a snow tire, you know! Outside of that, not entirely sure what else would be necessary for a complete representation of the legendary fellow. Maybe something like his costumed appearances in Mario Party or perhaps you were thinking about his inclusion in other spin-off games, like Mario Kart or the sports titles. There's more than enough eye-garlic here to take in and enjoy without them.

"Heck, I'd even go as far to say that Wario felt like a more proper rival that Sonic, but that's just me." He definitely is. Sonic is suppose to be the faster one who keeps going forward and Mario's more acrobatic and keeps going higher, but both can do what the other is offering with enough practice. Wario, however, is just an entirely different experience from Mario. Why have style and respect when you can just overwhelm something with brute force and mock it afterwards?

"Also just in case, I did draw Waluigi's cap letter wrong." Wario has done much worse to his friend/brother, so I doubt Waluigi would be too upset by this mistake. He'd still be upset though.

ICam2k responds:

Game boy screens are pretty, so are the Virtual Boys. Even when there's somehow a situation where I can't make fanart, if get asked about Wario Land, chances are I would go on to talk about how good the games are and how almost everyone ought to try them.
Dammit, I can't believe I neglected to include him of all Warios, now I'm gonna have to make a whole page of nothing but Wario-Mans afterwards. I suppose the Mario Party ones are a bit more interesting, specifically from 2 were it allowed characters to wear different constumes depending on the board. The mage ones were always my favourites though, even on the yellow fat-man. Can't say that the karts aren't noterworthy though, the motorcycles especially.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way. He can have the worst traits and quirks that rival against the middle aged man's family friendly ones while still gaining fans. It's a win win really.
Crisis averted then, Wario's going to have to pay for my mistake then. heh

I find it amusing that a certain king is missing from this image despite the fact that he likely enjoys that pie more than anyone else here. Also, Papyrus looks so cool. You really captured his greatness... in cute form.

Crisppyboat responds:

Honestly asgore is like as wide as the image and I wanted people to still see at least a smidge of the background so, choices were made

"I tried to draw the whole thing by memory. There has only been very few cases where I used references..." I'm so jealous of people with a clear and confident memory. In nearly all things I discuss, I have to take the time to double check out of fear of mixing up my names, dates, and details, because I constantly make mistakes if I don't. Meanwhile, you made doodles this dynamic, vivid, and accurate with almost no references? Probably not a big deal to you, but that's insane (the good kind) to me.

"This may be because of the reboot... except I'm not quite a fan of it..." It wasn't awful but it definitely didn't convince me that the reboot was worth having. Then again, few have.

"Would you be shocked if I tell you that this is one of the many shows that influenced my style, at the very least the "90s" like?" I suppose if I had a style (or talent, for that matter), it would be pretty similar. Drawing was not something I enjoyed directly. I almost never drew except to show friends what dumb idea or joke I had floating around in my mind. Obviously, the cartoon-y style would work best for that sort of mindset.

"There seems to Warners all around, but I always made enough room for others... and I still feel I could add more." Yeah, you need Ralph, Mr. Skullhead, Slappy Squirrel, The Mime, Baloney the Dinosaur... the ones that matter most.

Is it strange that the comments you provide alongside your art have slowly become more interesting to me than the art itself?

ICam2k responds:

I guess it comes down to memorizing. There would be references needed at the first attempt, but after many tries, you'll pretty get the knack of things to the point were the references thave become redundant. Simplicity is also a factor.

Neither do I, certainly there are some merits that the reboot has and would be lying if I said I didn't get some chuckles on certain aspects. I would've had had different outlook if it wasn't attached to a certain show, but really, I think it's alright.

I wholly disagree that jokes can't work without the style and flair. If some memes or shows are to be considered, then drawings like these should hold just as much punch on their own.

Yeah you're right, next time I come back to this show, I would pour in Baloney as much as I can.

See, that's another good aspect besides art. I get to put out thoughts and notes in the descriptions. Some artists may not do that, but I do.

The first image makes me think of Spinball, the best Sonic game, and Vector looks more interested in Sonic's situation with Amy than with his own predicament of currently missing the lower half of his body.

"Oh and there was the hot summer too. I HAAAATED that every time..." I'm the opposite. When it's cold, I bundle up and refuse to do anything productive. When it's hot, I can just drink some water and go back to it (whatever "it" is). Helps that I've lived in the heat most of my life.

"I did make an another Sonic doodle prior to this one, but it has seemingly aged poorly." If you haven't already, you could have just posted that one alongside this one for a showing of your artistic progression. Highlight how you've improved. I usually find the flawed (or in this case, the poorly-aged) art to be more interesting than seeing overly-polished works repeatedly being uploaded.

ICam2k responds:

Kept hearing about Spinball but never got to play it. Others seem to say otherwise, but who knows. I play a bunch of pinball clones, so it may be actually be a masterpiece.
When someone like Vec is encompassed in the world of fiction with no limits, he never has to worry about anything, even where some body parts may be cut off.
Well there's at least one thing, I hate summer and love winter (although I like spring just as much) while you're on the opposite side, which is alright. I actually like hearing different perspectives even when I may not agree some of them.
Not a bad idea actually. I suppose it's more due to the differing style that clashes out with the current one rather than the quality, even there're some glaring flaws here and there. I still may not be up to it, but you might've changed my mind. But hey, I never said that I wouldn't post the older work. heh

"I did try choosing other zones besides Green Hill Zone since people seem to hate that zone apparently"

From the Sonic rabbit hole of YT videos I fell into a long while back, it seemed less like people hated the zone and more like they have growing tired from seeing it. The series has introduced its fans to a wide variety of locations over the last couple of decades yet officially it seems like only IDW Publishing bothers to acknowledge them once in a while in the comics. Fan art isn't much better. Green Hill Zone is just what most artists default to whenever they want to draw more of the Hedgehog. It's easy. It's eye-catching. It's what casual fans will immediately recognize.

On to the drawing, it's pretty obvious where the initial effort went (even if I didn't know this was one of your pieces). It's near-impossible not to be immediately drawn toward Vector as the sights of Tails in a hurry, Sonic resting, and the smaller animals (especially the flickies) are not all that uncommon to find. Charmy wanting to be a little mischievous here is appreciated, too, but it really is difficult not to focus on the croc. I love how you can keep producing fan art of this series and Vector frequently ends up looking like the main protagonist regardless of any other characters you add to it. Sonic and Tails are here, but, once again, they come across as the sidekicks in your works.

ICam2k responds:

I have to admit, I'm not particularly that active in the Sonic fandom (I know, crazy) so I can atleast excuse myself that I got that impression.
I guess part of the reason why Green Hill Zone is often picked is not just because it's the first level (although I feel that's besides the point) but also because it looks stylistically pleasing in its own way. The checkered soil, the stripes showing the rustling movement of the grass (all in which looks like those grasses used in football terrains), the palmtrees and flowers that have that "papercraft" look, and most notably the presence of loops, are attention grabbers. They've got the aesthetic that feels exotic, whimsical and yet captivating. Elements that are fairly exclusive to Sonic's world... that's just my explanation though and it probably is just SEGA and the fanartists playing safe. I can even admit that I'm part of the problem. heh
I admittedly do kind of wish that the other locations would get more screetime besides that zone, but it's nothing for me to get upset over. Besides, the games that have these are still around thanks to ports and remasters.

Dang, I didn't intend to make the headphones croc steal the spotlight from the blue blur. Then again, I did draw this feller countless times to the point that I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a "Vector fanartist", as much as I try drawing other stuff.

Oh, you were going for an old photograph? I figured this was done in B&W as a reference to Super Mario Land being on the original Game Boy.

As much as I should love seeing a tomboy in her swimsuit, something seems off about the bottom half of the body. It might just be due to its comparison to the super-thin waist attached to it. Not sure. Aside from that, Daisy has a wonderful smile, and the entirety of the Muda Kingdom background is treat to look over. The yurarins are especially cute.

ICam2k responds:

It technically does reference the colour limitations that the Gameboy had (even though the original model that the game released on actually supported green colours instead of B&W) but I also noted how Daisy once had longer hair compared to now. I like to think that there's a "passing time" theme going on, even though such changes may not be drastic.
Yeah, I can't blame you, even I noticed that. Maybe I got better with this afterwards, but I'm pretty much aware that not everything can be perfect, as expressive my art style can be.
At first I didn't care about the yurarins until I found out that there were art made for all the characters, including the enemies (the manuals were soo fun everytime they had these). They're very cute indeed.

"Again, this one is rough and the movements don't quite match as I hoped to be..." You gotta remember that the movie had more people and money behind its creation. One of the reasons it was so popular was due to how fantastic the animation is so it sets a relatively high bar that would require much more time and effort to faithfully recreate the meme. You don't have time for that. You're just one Cami... or is "cami" the plural form? Wait, is a singular "cami" called a "camus?" Either way, you've done more than enough with all three here. I'd say it's worth at least two years of not having to make another animation again, especially like this one! *Looks at initial date it was posted* Oh, um, well... nevermind. Anyways, phenomenal job, Camus, at reminding people of Vector's overwhelming charm and justifiable swagger.

ICam2k responds:

I mean, I did see singular artists make re-animations of this part of the movie that had more fluid movement, so I suppose the point still stands. I would at least agree that they're not 1/1 recreations though. Treasure Island is the kind of movie that earns respect for having it's own style.
"Camus", hmmm, why does that name sound dignifying and familiar at the same tim- *Camus is Arle's senior in Madou Monogatari I (Mega Drive)* - Puyo Puyo Nexus 2024...huh. Guess I'll take it then.
Thanks nonetheless, did justice indeed in a while. lol

All of these are wonderful. My favorite is the bottom corner where they're bullying the koopa with a combination attack as if they were in a Mario RPG. This is like a recap to an episode of the Super Show I now wish was being rebooted. Also, the first image makes me believe that all they had to do to become proper doppelgangers was put on a pair of Mario Bros. caps and, like giving a Super Crown to Toadette, their exaggerated features were suddenly hidden under the red and green disguises.

ICam2k responds:

Thanks a ton! My favourite is a double whammy. One being in the castle's hallways because of the background (albeit slightly wonky in perspective, plus gotta appreciate Wario's crying laughter upon witnessing coins sprinkling all around off of a squealing mushroom retainer) and the one with Daisy, for the song as I stated, but also mainly for the "Muda s name" line. Remember someone catching that a loving so much during the initial posting. I still love all of these though, they've been really fun to draw.
Pretty sure that's the trick. If only Cappy could possess such an ability as this... I wonder.
Maan, I still can't over the fact that Toadette is all in cahoots with Wario of all people (well, besides Waluigi and most of his peers from the WarioWare.) thanks to Mario Party. Really shows how such little hidden details can change people's perceptions. Gotta love spinoffs.

I don't know anyone here outside of Deep Cut but look at them! I zoomed in to see the cute little patterns of their clothes, the shoe laces, the spots and markings on their bodies. All the detail work is impressive. There's even some minor reactionary posing from those near one another. Usually, larger stuff like this is just a bunch of individual pieces with generic posing plopped together side-by-side with no indication that they are aware of anyone around them. It's not necessary to do that, of course, but it's definitely appreciated. Honestly, the only thing missing here is a background. I would have imagined them standing together out in the street of the city place (I don't know the name) these games occur in with the inkling in the back looking like they are popping their head out from a manhole/drain of some sort.

Careful. You're really setting up some high expectations for that Wario piece, you know.

Game's only been out for two years and it's already ending? For an online experience, that seems kind of brief. Then again, I played WoW and it has the opposite problem of not knowing when to stop. Reads as though you got your money's worth, at least, and the art provided is a beautiful sendoff to that moment in your life. Maybe another will arrive soon after the next console (or this comment will age poorly. IDK), and, if it does, we can only hope... for more Pearl! YEAH! Pearl is the best one! Headbutt all who oppose her mighty forehead!

Ahem, this is appropriately colorful. Big Man looks to be bleeding to death. He might need help. I do not know the three in the front, so I zoomed in on the image and noticed a fourth one... a weird fishy thing. I'm sure they're all important to the story or lore but I only know of the music and the names of some of the characters. There's lots of neat little details here and I can't fully appreciate them because I've not played the games (I'm sorry about that).

ICam2k responds:

It does stink yes, but nothing to be let down. I can cherish it at least. Although it makes me wonder me why they didn't go further with 1 more year to make 3 years total? You know, because there's alot of 3 theming.
Joking aside, it depends what direction they'll go. I feel like they got everything down. There's not much to follow with as far as I'm concerned. But I'm willing to at least see how the series unfolds after.
I can already hear all the bonking and shouting going on in the distance. lol (it's funny though, she IS in fact my favourite character besides BigMan, but I do enjoy seeing these jokes)

He probably ate a sandwich only to find out that the crab wasn't cleaned off properly, so thorns that cover up its body end up stabbing his insides.
Makes me wish Newgrounds would extend the tag limit a bit just so I wouldn't specify much, but to put it shortly, they's Sonic, Tails, Knuckles andOmochao.
Anyhow, the names are kind of like leftovers, there's Veronika (Y), Hirooooo (B) (that's literally his name lol) Anemone1 (R). The little fish is a Smallfry (the smaller Salmonid) called Lil'Buddy. They're technically more like mascots for the third game, it felt aproprate to include them here.
Heey, don't worry, I get you. Not everyone can have the time or opportunity to get to play most games. I have that problem too. heh


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