I forgot all about that movie, too. You're right about his portrayal. He did a fantastic job of being a complete and total asshole while still maintaining that fatherly aura about him. I should know, too. My dad's the same kind of person.
I forgot all about that movie, too. You're right about his portrayal. He did a fantastic job of being a complete and total asshole while still maintaining that fatherly aura about him. I should know, too. My dad's the same kind of person.
This reminds me of how much longer I gotta wait for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 to finally be released.
I do like your take on Rei. It's always a treat to still see new depictions for characters that already have so much fan art to skim through. Every time I feel like there's nothing left to do that I haven't seen before with a particular subject, another artist shows up to prove me wrong.
Thank you for the lovely Rei, Fishstick.
Reminds me of the video Sad Scyther, except not as funny. The drawing is good though. You did an amazing job on the hands, but there are a few things off about the second panel. The body shows no swinging motion of any kind when attempting that sort of high five and the other arm is missing entirely. Had it been a five of the "up high" variety, then the severed hand would have been higher up or, at least, not perfectly aligned with the arm like that, and while I thought the force of the slice might have pushed the arm down, that cut looks quick and clean. The arm would more likely have still been in the air after the strike. I'm clearly thinking too much about this. Your art is improving and this is proof of that. That's all that matters, isn't it?
No, you're good man! You have a better sense of physics than I do lol. I'll have to look up Sad Scyther.
Edit: that was amazing lmao
What? Coffee and books? Sounds like the breakfast of college students. As usual, the dog is knocking all of his shit off the table. I'm just surprised the mug is still there. Dogs instinctively want to make the biggest mess they can in any and every situation. That coffee should have been the first thing to hit the floor the moment she started climbing up on the furniture.
We all love him.
Yes... only "thought" you were. If one wasn't convinced on your word alone, this logo will most assuredly do the trick.
HOTS be lookin' like Critic-Burnt in OFF. It's still a really neat painting from you, Chutney. It's not the sort of thing I would have expected, either.
expect the unexpected >:)
Oh, I think understand now. He's wearing one of those things the cartoon Doctor Marios always have... a, uh, stencilscope. He's checking the cat's pulse, right? Since they don't like to sit still, you have to listen through the other end. It's kinda like trying to give medicine to babies, except you insert the pills under the arms, because their nostrils are still too small. Same difference.
The phrase needs work, but that is one super cuddly dog you got there, Scribbs!
I stand at the urinal for over two minutes most of the time waiting to finish, because I have a bad habit of drinking too much at a time, but the idea of walking around still wetting myself grosses me out. Still, I can understand why some might do this in a public restroom though. You got a guy waiting behind you and you don't want to stand there for too long, because you know what it feels like to hold it in for too long.
yeah it is gross i just happen to do it because im not really paying attention :(
Joined on 6/25/13