Tabby's a good girl. She doesn't deserve to be called "ugly" and I'm glad to see more love for such a happy cat.
Tabby's a good girl. She doesn't deserve to be called "ugly" and I'm glad to see more love for such a happy cat.
Wait!? She's a girl?
I saw this and thought, "Holy shit! Is that fan art of Citizens of Space?!"
I never used The Pizza Bot. I used Decorator on the final boss though and didn't get all the forms added to my collection. She hits like a truck. Then again, I would have been surprised if she didn't.
Excellent work, by the way. You really captured the look of joy on his unchanging face. His design also looks like something I'd see on TJ&E, so I'm being favorably biased about my score.
I wish there was a background to this, though only because of how the right hand is resting on nothing. I enjoy everything else about it. Haru is a lot of things in this depiction - cutesy, sassy, sexy, playful... and none of them really stand out. It's all sprinkled in there ever so slightly. This is definitely one of your best drawings so far, Scribbs.
Never watched the show, but the style definitely goes well with your own and this is strong proof of that.
I don't know what this is, but it looks amazing.
It's "The Smiling Friends" the pilot is out on adultswim's website
A lot of this strikes me as wrong somehow, like with the perspective of the right hand, the lack of a neck when it would definitely emphasize this particular pose, and her iconic weapon seems to be about half its size. The big, round noggin is cute though.
That's arguably the tastiest way of getting Chutney inside of you.
Ah yes. I remember this story from Chutney's Discord. Chutney was trying to order a stripper and an extra large cake for a patron's birthday, but he typed "rabid, bat-wielding rat" into the search engine instead, and didn't even realize his mistake until an hour after the party began. Fortunately, the rat was an excellent baker.
Joined on 6/25/13