MS Paint is amazing when one already has the fundamentals down. It just has a bad rep because scrubs like me goof around with it to make eyesore art.
You did a fantastic job with this. I thought, "Is that MSP art?" Pleasantly surprised.
MS Paint is amazing when one already has the fundamentals down. It just has a bad rep because scrubs like me goof around with it to make eyesore art.
You did a fantastic job with this. I thought, "Is that MSP art?" Pleasantly surprised.
MS Paint is really fun to mess around with. It's not the most responsive with my set up, but for sure it's still pretty good.
Sad Chutney is not allowed on this planet! I demand to know how we can put a smile back on that beautiful, yellowishly orange face of his!
The mouth looks like the bill of a cartoon duck with a horse nose glued on top of it.
You should have also included the amabiko in this drawing. That would have doubled the protection power.
From what I remember "Amabiko" is a variant and/or is the same creature under a different name do to different cultures in japan, kinda like how the Boogieman is essentially Slenderman, El Coco, Candyman, etc. Same creature that does the same thing, different name and appearance more than likely to fit the time period or culture
Draw a line. Wash your hands.
Add some color. Wash your hands.
Upload your art. Wash your hands.
Dry your hands. Wash your hands.
Please, support the artist. Then, wash your hands.
I'm reminded of Filbert from Rockos Modern life when he's talking about reading comics with all these wash your hands pics
I was indifferent towards her up until... 2005, I think... she decided to abuse her power to harass a business owner whose employees wouldn't let her into the building because it had stopped allowing new customers inside fifteen minutes prior to her arrival. I mean, that's common policy for most businesses. When you're closing, you don't suddenly kick everyone out, but you also don't let anyone else in. The owner (whose business was now being actively boycotted by Oprah's fans) even had to go onto the show, apologize for his staff doing their jobs properly, and give her the overpriced purse (which I'm sure she desperately needed THAT day) for free.
Seeing this piece and learning about her fans flipping out over a harmless slip and fall doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm just glad she didn't decide to stand in front of a camera the next day and start blasting the manufacturers of her shoes for it while demanding a face-to-face apology in front of a live audience.
Thank you for your input, really thought I was gonna catch some hands for drawing this lol honestly I feel nothing for Oprah other than her being this huge force others are afraid of
Avoiding human contact has never been cool. If it was, I wouldn't have been doing it all my life (though, admittedly, it does make Animal Crossing slightly less enjoyable). Good thing she has that mask on to protect her from sinus allergies. Pollen and all that can put a real damper on isolation.
There's an Apocalypse going on and I wasn't invited... again?! Seriously though, I work in a grocery store, which is deemed "essential", so it's just life as usual for me while everyone else has a good excuse to not work or go to school.
What an adorably hostile-lookin' kiddo you got there, Fishstick! I love seeing a full-body illustration from you again. Hopefully, this wasn't drawn on either toilet paper or paper towel. Those are precious commodities, you know!
Damn I would not be able to work in a grocery store during this weird time. You're braver than me.
I love the pose you went with. It's far more ambitious than the usual idle standing or one of a handful of standardized poses I see all the time from other artists. On the down side, this perspective doesn't pay off too well with Kefla's lower half. Her body looks soft and chubby, though her arms do not, and, correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not an artist and feel as though I have no right to judge this), but I think the chest should either be angled upward along with her raised left arm, or both breasts should be sagging slightly downward as a result of the air resistance while she's flying up.
I have no idea what I am looking at. There's plenty of red though, and I am a big fan of the color red. That's good enough for me!
Joined on 6/25/13