The ugly hand returns, but since it's the one pointing a gun at me, I will, instead, compliment her beautiful head of forehead-hiding hair. Also, I love you, Chops. (Don't shoot.)
The ugly hand returns, but since it's the one pointing a gun at me, I will, instead, compliment her beautiful head of forehead-hiding hair. Also, I love you, Chops. (Don't shoot.)
It's sad to lose such a wonderful man, but he was fortunate enough to enjoy a long, healthy life, and, ultimately, that's all any of us can hope for when our time comes.
Seems like a similar beginning to that of the Ctrl + Alt + Del comic. I like the characters though... especially the three-eyed one. Reminds me of Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.
You've never struck me as the sort of man who could pull even a decent bit of horror out of your ass, but that's because you're such a happy, friendly individual. Why not do something like a slice of life Zelda-inspired comic, instead? You could include a cute tag-along for the main character who would say and do just the sweetest things in the world.
I guess a story where the protagonists does nothing but side quests until he/she forgets why the journey was started in the first place would be kinda funny.
Easily your best Ellie, and it seems like you're constantly making little changes to her outfit.
(Those details are going to be your punishment if you ever get to a chapter in your comic that requires you to draw her in every other panel.)
You need to work on that smug. If it wasn't for the title, I would have assumed she was wearing a tired, yet gentle smile. At this point, I'd prefer it. I think Wendy's has made me stop liking smug anime girls.
Plague Knight is such a lucky bastard to have Mona by his side. It's a shame most give up on his campaign, because I still think his is the best one within Treasure Trove.
What I really love about this work is that it gives more than enough information to understand their relationship without having to know anything about the game.
A full-body drawing. Very nice. Not sure what's going on with the breasts, but they remind me of a young math teacher whose chest was somehow sticking out from the middle of her torso. It weirded me out a little and Zora seems to be built in a similar fashion. Her right leg appears to be facing one direction while her foot is twisted into another. I love the sweet, smiling face and her colors. Overall, I liking seeing the improvement in your work. Hopefully, I'll get to meet more of your characters.
Another terrific reminder that Masako is playfully adorable. Still, I think the thumb might be a little too small and I split my bottom lip trying to imitate the pose. You now owe me a new bottom lip, Chops.
Ah, the majestic Shih-Tzu. Soft, cuddly... kinda brainless (or, at least, mine was). I'm a sucker for dogs, especially the Toy breeds, so that alone merits five stars, but then there's the expression you chose for his face. That is the absolute best.
I love themm, such big doofuses. lel This boi has a permanent tongue sticking out though, sometimes I'll flick it up and down and he'll either bite it or not react at all.
Joined on 6/25/13