It can never be "just" a dog, especially when it's a super adorable one with big ol' floppy ears.
It can never be "just" a dog, especially when it's a super adorable one with big ol' floppy ears.
Okey, maybe it was just me who didn't know what to call it XD
Overwatch? Never played it, but I'm pretty sure this girl is the niece or granddaughter of Elmer Fudd. Definitely getting a Looney Tunes vibe from this, particularly with that face. On the other hand, I love Looney Tunes, and I also make finger hearts that I aim at co-workers for no better reason than to creep them out. Lastly, this is colorful. I'm a sucker for colors. Colours, too.
Regardless of the quality (and this is quality work), eyes like those always creepy me out. If she else her hand out to me with that look on her face, I'd "Nope!" right the fuck out of there!
This is the most creative dead baby joke I've ever seen.
Seems to be one of your favorites, too, considering how impossible it is to miss this image on your blog.
The drawing of the soda can was THE assignment every mandatory art class had me participate in from fifth to ninth grade, and I'm assuming it was a shared idea for many schools. I guess something like this becomes even more special when you can incorporate your OC into the can-drawing tradition. Also, she's adorable. I do like adorable art.
Whenever I feel down or not motivated, I always look at this picture as a pick-me-up.
You do beautiful work. Horrifyingly beautiful work.
Stupid space cowboy!
Joined on 6/25/13