"Better than Trump" is a description that could also be applied to 99% of all the other Art Portal submissions.
What inspired this particular color scheme for the man?
"Better than Trump" is a description that could also be applied to 99% of all the other Art Portal submissions.
What inspired this particular color scheme for the man?
True. I chose this color pallet because I love the colors together and I felt like doing a portrait in nontraditional colors and I already had the linework I made of Obama, so I figured I may as well try.
Games, as in plural? On the Switch? Did that person buy Breath of the Wild twice?
I love how Pikachu appears, but following that up with a simple waving gesture is somewhat of a letdown. It probably would have had a greater impact on me if you had chosen a less common Pokemon, too. Both of my complaints are insignificant, however, so I'm not letting either affect my rating.
You did an amazing job, k7vin.
thanks man! That's a pretty fair review.
She's sad, because her parents told her she's still far too young for a nasallang.
He helped make wrestling a joy to watch during my childhood.
Overall, it's not bad for a quickie, but the way she's holding that weapon looks awkward. Shouldn't the hand be flipped around so that the index and thumb are closer to the head?
Man I don't know how to draw hands. It's probably backwards
Ah, you did the thing with the full-body inclusion. That's fantabulous, wontastic, and ad'awwable even. Are you making yourself a cast of individuals for a potential comic in the near future, or just doodlin' whatever crosses your mind?
I've been thinking about starting a comic for a while, but I never really started. I think I might try. Most of my drawings, however, are just things that pop into my brain.
One day, I hope to see art of every kind of animal whimsically shitting a rainbow.
I can make it happen
It's nice to see some heart removal imagery being used in a positive manner during this holiday for a change.
I'm not an artist, so I apologize if my opinion is poorly worded.
Despite the expression (one I usually wear, as well), this seems a little friendlier and softer (more rounded) than many of your other recent illustrations. I would say that you should have spent a few extra minutes smoothing out the lines, especially around the cheeks, but if you're experimenting, then that's best left for later works (if you decide to continue on with this style, that is).
It's simple. I like simple. I would like to see her though as a full-body image, rather than as a bust, to get a better idea of what sort of "look" you're aiming for with your characters. Right now, I'm only guessing.
Thank you! Lately, I've just felt like a lot of my art looks the same, so I was simply exparamenting. I did it fairly rough just to get an idea of what I was going to do. Thank you for your feedback by the way!
Joined on 6/25/13