
362 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Name it?

M. Bison/Vega's hat has a name?

Bertn1991 responds:

Yes, it's M. Bison's hat :-)

Not enough ducks.

5 out of 6.

Bertn1991 responds:

There's never enough ducks.

Why are you not scouted? This must be a crime. I'm sure of it.

antdung responds:

haha, I don't draw often so it's okay!

Would make for a wonderful neighbor in Animal Crossing! Do the upside-down cross pupils hold any meaning? Also, is it safe to assume Neopolitan is the proud owner of a playful mastiff?

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

The symbols in her eyes do not mean anything. They were just a good contrast to the cuteness of the rest of the character. And yes, of course she owns a mastiff.

Don'tcha mean M. Bison? I know a Bison when I see a Bison, and this is a spectacular Bison example of a Bison. You done a Bisonly good Bison drawing of Bison, geoBison. Keep up the good Bison.

geogant responds:

Man, I almost forgot about that. I could always call him Boxer.

I'm not even going to nitpick. I just appreciate seeing another full-body picture of another original character from you. Thank Zeus, indeed. Iuppiter, too!

Enjoy your summer vacation.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Thanks man :)

Looks more like age progression, rather than a redraw. Why isn't she wearing an outfit now? Outgrew her clothes? Either way, it's a fantastic bump in quality. I'm hoping you're feeling proud of yourself.

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Thanks man! I realized that her outfit was very poorly designed, and I was too lazy to design armour.

How's math coming along?

Fabulous-fishstick42 responds:

Heh. Totally not failing this semester.

Looks happy. I'm happy. Must be the hat. Probably the hat. How did that hat get there without arms? Wait, why would a hat have arms? Wait x2, that's not what I was asking! Was that what I was asking? Perhaps being happy is the result of putting a hat on without arms. I'd be happy to be able to do that.

yugland responds:

I like pussy

I can't think of any sort of night you could spend with her that won't end up looking like you lost a fight with a feral cat.

HenLP responds:

... worth it?


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