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Not much to type about this. It's precisely the sort of ending to an event one would hope to see. As for dialogue, I have a lot more respect for a comic that can deliver with as few words as possible. It's part of that "show don't tell" mindset, but, also, don't feel like you should add anything to a comic unless you feel it is necessary. Too much might ruin the overall message you want to send.

The hug at the end is really cute.

ICam2k responds:

I actuall don't plan to add too much dialogue because: 1 - that woud require me to think even more stuff to write in and that would kind be of tedious to think about word rather than visuals and 2 - the readers/viewers would already get the message through the gestures/actions the characters make anyway. The "show don't tell" method basically. I only plan on adding dialogues if there are jokes to tell, little banter or if there are situations that need some word, but not by much. Depends on the situation really.
Also thank you! The end is pretty much the one that took some effort really. (animes pulled the same stunt as well too, always effective)

Pretty embarrassing of me to have assumed that the captain was the main antagonist of Decap Attack prior to reading your description. I won't touch another point-and-click adventure unless I'm forced to, but I have no valid excuse for not playing DA. It's typically included in Sega Classics collections and I've always indulged myself in casual platforming. Sigh, well, I got three more Puyo games during a sale to finish first, but I suppose I can add that to my immediate list. Quit giving me new (but actually old) games to play, Cami.

The detail work is phenomenal (I made sure to zoom in on the picture a few times to better appreciate the piece) and the interaction between these two is quite appropriate. LeChuck has clearly embraced the horror aspect of his rotting existence far more than the other Chuck and the intimidation on display highlights that.

"Even though I have a feeling that this would barely get any attention due to the obscurity, I still like drawing stuff that I like." Hey, it's about bringing out the best in your talent and that is much easier to accomplish when you stick to what you enjoy most... obscure or not. Plus, the obscure stuff helps set you apart from others. For example, I followed you for Adventure Island art... not for Splatoon.

ICam2k responds:

Don't worry, I won't force you to play point & clicks, I am forcing you to play Decap Attack.
Jokes aside, What other three games have you gotten play now?
Can't help it if I dig up treasure, I always keep wondering. heheh

I'm probably repeating this everytime I get compliments like this, but thanks again. I think I remember constantly recoloring certain parts just to make them pop out just right.
For a villain like LeChuck who acts more like a grumpy pirate captain but is in fact an actually feared threat by many around him because of how much power he's got (for his men and the fact that he's literally undead) really says a lot. He's no doubt the best part of the game (both I and II) in my opinion. He's evil because he feels like it and you better respect that.

Admittedly, the obscure stuff comes in quite rarely (especially nowadays) and it's usually when I find something that's intriguing enough. Still though, when I do find it, I go out of the way to show that out (even with my limited ability to describe them), even if it means that it stil gets brushed aside by majority. Still though, the few who not only get the appeal of the game that I made the fanart of, but actually go out to play them afterward mean the most to me. So yeah, thank you so much. Made me crack up a smile here.

I initially thought this was a Valentine's Day piece, but you originally posted this back in June and then again here in November, so I'm guessing this was some kind of event in the game itself. Glad to see even your "quickie" stuff still receives the love and attention any and all Cami art deserves. Kind of curious what sort of emotional theme the remaining idols would represent together.

ICam2k responds:

Yeah, it was definitely an event. Something that had to do with Money Vs Fame Vs Love. I'm team love.
Dammit, even her quickies get the love?? What does she have anyway??? Whats her SECRET?????
If you mean by the ones presented here and judging by their character, I suppose they go like this: Callie for assurance, Marina for affection (because she's kind and all) and Bigman? Tenderness. This guy pretty much gives free hugs to everyone.

Ah yes. Normal socializing outside on a bench. Wouldn't know anything about that... or having friends, but I imagine the experience is a wonderful one. I wish they had feet or hooves or whatever because the bodies seem half-finished. I love everything else.

Ferrohound responds:

Would Recommend, though it's been a very very long time since I've had a stable friend group to hang out w/ irl especially during the daytime lol
I do remember I did try drawing feet on them and felt eh at the time so I went that route but for the followup winter piece I'll see what's up

Odd to even need an excuse to draw Eggman. Every iteration of him is its own form of perfection. The added text didn't really add anything or make it feel less "plain empty," but it wasn't all that necessary, either. Art of an Eggman of any kind (with or without that pesky hedgehog) carries itself.

ICam2k responds:

You know what? You're right. I can pretty much draw Eggman anytime without having to explain myself and people would just take it as is.
Awww, but I like putting teeext. :( (actually thank you for that, because I often tend to have trouble coming up with something to write on, so if anything, that feels more like a neat suggestion rather than a nitpick)

Pepper isn't a particularly unique name for a dog, but is certainly more appropriate for one with orange fur. I love the headband, too. The design reminds me of a chocobo, as well. Overall, it's really cute. I'm positive Ava is proud of the gift.

Ferrohound responds:

Ava was very happy indeed! I'm also a sucker for pets named after food and condiments lol

I don't know enough about anything to suggest any better pairings between the trio and the weapons, though I do love the idea of Big Man casually dumping ink on the ground with a bucket and falling into the mess to reenact Mario Sunshine. It's a shame he's not as excited about it as the other two seem to be with their weapons. Then again, wouldn't Frye be the one to shoot arrows from atop her eel cube thing while Shiver would brandish a sword while riding her shark towards the player? Note: I did just look up these boss battles.

I also went ahead and looked up the two maps you mentioned. They look far too similar for me to appreciate one over the other, but just searching for MM brought up a lot of player threads expressing their dislike of the stage, so I'm going to play it and safe and assume I would have enjoyed SS more, as well.

Overall, it's familiar territory for you. Nothing surprising to look at. All three look fantastic and the background makes me think about Skies of Arcadia for some reason. Five stars for that alone.

ICam2k responds:

That's okay, you don't have to know everything, you just have to follow my art and everything should be smooth sailing (although I suppose there's that website that Nintendo put out that covers up most the franchise... most anyways)

You just pointed out another good part about him (he's another favourite of mine if you couldn't tell). A lot of people deemed his fight too easy compared to his peers (even easier than Shiver), but I say that depends on what upgrade you have available. (I would tell you that because I once replayed the hero mode without any upgrades whatsoever because I felt like challenging myself and that impacted the playthrough... a lot, there was one time where I felt I was locked at Frye because of how stupidly chunky the eels where when I tried to ink them and she kept switching up attacks so they never stood for too long)

That's exactly what I initially thought about them when I was thinking about their main weapons, only to find out that they're swaped out. Their Tableturf cards (yes, that's a mini game) and palletes from Side Order further comfirmed this fact. I supposed the devs did this to make them stand out more. There where posts I've seen that further illustrated this reasoning, like how there's a bow called the Yumi that was used during the feudal period of Japan which I found interesting, although I couldn't ones for Frye's weapon.

Eh, I just went with MM because it seemed easy to draw. Granted, while I don't tend to have that problem, I reckon people were genuinely annoyed by this map because how commonplace spawncamping was. Namely how it was too small and had paths that where too easy for the opposing team to sneak in. (even though I feel Hammerhead Bridge was the worst offender, but I digress)
Had no idea that the background reminded you of Skies of Arcadia because I haven't heard of that game until now. Now I'm interested.

Can't say that I get the pun... the pepper pun. "Too perfect to be a Pepper" would have been a great slogan for Pibb to run against its rival's "Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?" though.

Should have known you'd eventually do fanart for a game inspired by Wario. Should have also known that it would be of the boss who fights like classic Wario. It's an excellent game.

The strong expressions of Pizza Tower's characters seem like a perfect fit for your style. Phil here is a shining example of that. If anyone among that bunch thought they deserved their own show, it would be Pepperman.

ICam2k responds:

I've had the feeling that pun's reference would be too obscure for many so I might as well break in. There's an animated show released in the late 90's called Pepper Ann by Disney. Saw a video reviewing the show and noticed the title... and then made the connection that only seemed funny in my head. (although I feel like I've seen some snippets of the show when I was young, the art style felt a little similar when I saw it, but I don't know what it's about though)

It was bound to happen. More Wario, the merrier, even if the garlic gobbling fatass wasn't the main star. The characters still sold it enough for me. (I also think the Gus'n'Brick sections where legit the most fun parts of the game)

I might come back to this as long as I can think of better funnies, but from now, I'm gonna need to take a few practices to truly nail down such styles like this.

I suppose this was meant to be. I went to look up these two and even the wiki highlights the similarity in personality between them when I read a little on Gnarly Eddy. Going by what little I read, Nails likely would have been at the foot of Eddy, rather than on his head, though I guess it would be quicker to travel if Eddy carried him to Flow's. The lack of a background means I am not sure if one is visiting the other of if both merely ran into each other while out and about. The void allows the viewer to make up their own scenario, I suppose. My guess is that Flow is looking to borrow a model for her wares.

"actually went out of my way to disassemble it and clean its parts from dust without thinking about getting help (which was scary btw, I kept thinking that the whole thing might fall apart if I pressed the brush even slightly)"

I had to do that with adding thermal paste for my PC once. Terrifying because I had seen my younger brother bend the pins on a computer he was tampering with years prior and I was worried I would make the same mistake.

"Would you be surprised if I told you that I'm still using that same laptop. Even NOW. AND STILL FUNCTIONS just fine. (with a few drawbacks of course) Might be the luckiest portable electronic I've ever owned."

Never owned a laptop but considering how many times I watched my old man leave his in places where dogs could stomp on it or how he'd always have it opened near the edge of his bed or shelf, I am guessing it's rare for one to last long. For me, it's an iPod Shuffle that has continued to function after years of use. Even now, it's what I listen to during clean-up at work or whenever I'm doing yard work. Apple used to make some excellent products.

ICam2k responds:

Now that you mention, it would've been better to draw Gnarly Eddy dropping Nails on accident when he gets caught off guard by Flow. But at the same time, snails to stick on other things thanks to their mucus, so idk which one works best.

Stuff like this is terrifying in general. Motherboards, hard drives or anything that includes pins are so complex yet sensitive. It doesn't help that the components are pretty small too. Even with the intent of fixing can lead to the thought disaster because of the possibility of screwing one particular component that might be essential. Most of us often have to be really be careful about that. I can already imagine the hurdles the people went through when inventing these.

I actually use a lenovo with an amd-fx. Kind of a standard laptop. I've heard others mention about the AMD chips not being as good as others, but it work just fine for me. As for anything Apple related, it's the iPhone (although I used to own Samsung Androids prior to this), but the reason I even got it was thanks to a good friend of mine gifting me with it. It may be version 8, but it still runs pretty good. That's the main one to play my music on and watch videos when I go out.
Even my brother has one, so I guess we twin.

I still have some windows with no curtains or blinds on them while two have noticeable holes in them and I continue to have this fear of something peering through the windows and staring back at me. Eventually, I will need to save up enough money to get those covered even if it's only to ease one fear. I'll continue to have the other one of "one could still break in without any resistance" lingering in the back of my mind.

MoeAnguish responds:

Kind of reminds me of when i read somewhere that when you feel like you're being looked at, you probably are sensing that correctly. But sometimes your senses "misfire" so you end up just... getting paranoid. I want to verify how true this is but I'm too scared of reading too much.


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