Much more expressive than the previous piece. Great mix of her assertive but also cute personality, too. She'd definitely be sporting a proud little smile on her face while thinking about how cool she must look while posing for this image.
Much more expressive than the previous piece. Great mix of her assertive but also cute personality, too. She'd definitely be sporting a proud little smile on her face while thinking about how cool she must look while posing for this image.
Thank you very much, glad you appreciate it! Katt supremacy all day every day haha
Blursed. This is blursed, Cami.
I've already spent way too much time trying to spot all the little differences between the two, as well. I suppose I could have alternated between them to spot the changes more easily, but that would have been cheating... which, now that I think about it, would have more appropriate considering this is Wario art.
Thank you! That is one of the greatest achievements!
I'll give you a hint. Look for the eyes.
Definitely an underappreciated game.
You oughta include a link to the piece of his brother in the description to make it easier for viewers (me. only me) to better appreciate the both of them.
Ask and Ye Shall Receive!
I love this sleek, less defined look. Similar to a Pokemon in style, I guess. Tell 2018 Ferroh to keep at it. I expect great things within, like, probably six or so years.
If Pedro is only half lightning dog, then what is the other half? Lightning cat? Thunder dog?
Other half is actually Umbreon LOL. Times long past indeed!
Just an all-around cool piece of art. Did, in fact, "check him out" as requested. Looks like there is now a game in early access. Went ahead and wishlist'd it. I'm sure that was not your intent back in 2018, but still... you know... *shrugs* yeah.
Awesome! Yeah, he's pretty cool tbh, I did see he was devving a game a while back but it's nice to know it's progressed to that point; very nice!
Not out in the snow, of course, because I hate the cold (and pickles. I hate cold pickles), but I've done this multiple times in the past whenever I would run the dogs outside at 2 or 3 in the morning. Staring up at the stars is not only serene, it usually left me wondering about the future and of whether or not there will be a time in the near future when I won't be able to look up and see them again. That and I spent half my life living next to a busy road. Those nights were the only quiet moments at home and I made sure to appreciate them... while one of the dogs continued to sniff the same patch of grass for fifteen minutes. What is wrong with you, dog? I got work in a few hours! Hurry up so I can get back to bed!
Oh, right. Beautiful piece, Ferroh. Six stars but I dropped one in the snow, so it only looks like five for the rating. Sorry about that.
Dog need to be EXTREMELY SURE that that patch of grass is okay, you just don't understand what's at stake haha
Thank you very much! It was really fun to put together, one of the first times I used blender for 2D rigging
One's clearly aware of the camera while the other is trying to figure out why they're called "fingers" when they don't fing. Also, these two brought towels but not a basket to keep them in? Nothing to store snacks, their belongings, or anything else?
What is the best holiday in Autumn? Is it International Artist Day? The day when the world comes together to show respect and gratitude to talented wolves made of wrought iron and strong coffee?
Who do you think took the picture haha! The snacks and other stuff are with them of course ;3
For me, idk if I'd call it a holiday but Halloween For Sure!
Clearly, Ava is an avid enjoyer of the western Kobold whereas I prefer the dog variation of Kobolds from the east. Actually, I just love dogs, so I am being incredibly biased here. Aside from that, my only question is why do the lizard feet look similar to paws? Shouldn't they have a similar appearance to the hands with their claws (toes... digits... etc) being more separated?
Honestly I don't really know that much about kobolds, I mainly see the reptilian ones; didn't even know there were doglike ones until fairly recently haha
Yeah, this is a bit of an older piece, I'd probably do the feet a bit differently now
There's something off-putting about this one. Then again, I've never watched Initial D so perhaps that mild irritation is a result of my own ignorance. That or because I think you gave him a very punchable-looking face. 3 and a half st....
*looks up Shingo Shoji*
Nevermind. You captured his punchable likeness perfectly. That's quite impressive.
Absolute Legend of a driver lol, nothing but Ls in the show too
Overall, it's quite lovely, especially the image with the sparkling water. The missing bushes around the trees leaves the island itself looking a little barren and the house is missing its weathervane but it's wonderful little tribute piece to Toriyama. He really did leave this world too soon. All the good ones do.
True that, a damn shame.
Joined on 6/25/13