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Is this suppose to be your idea of a prelude to the story of Splatoon 3? *looks up Veronika* Dafuq is a Splat Tim?

The backgrounds are fine. Not sure I am spotting the issues who are, since nothing from them really stand out in comparison to your delightfully expressive Veronika and fish pal thing. Small fry? I love the interaction between these two. Usually, an artist doing the occasional strip will minimize the panels to emphasize the few moments that they really want to highlight, but you got each one being represented with two or three panels apiece. Makes the entire thing much easier to play out in my mind as I don't really have to fill in any gaps.

ICam2k responds:

You don't know who SPLAT TIM IS?!? That's it, I give up, I'm leaving this place permanently, I can't deal with this constant ignorance anymore!1!

Pretty much so. Or it could be a small excuse to show more attention to the cape that Veronika wore once. (seriously though that's seen in the character customization part and NOWHERE ELSE)

Now that I'm looking at these, yeah. I still think there are a few rough spots here and there, but they seem to have turned much better than how I initially thought. Same with the panels too. Comics like these are usually pretty hard to nail down, so I gotta thank you for that.
A small fry is pretty much a smaller variant (annoying to deal with but easy to take down) of the Salmonid species, which are only fought in Salmon Run. Give a look at these crooked beings, they're look goofy in a rather terrifying way. Their whole deal is that they're a barbaric army who vow take over everything they see, and also, they literally don't mind about dying whatsoever because they regard that as "part of the cycle of life" and use these weapons to make themselves look "tasty". Pretty appropriate.

It's alright. A little bland. Just by including a pair of simple lines above them, you could have added some eyebrows to allow for a few more expressions like sadness or anger. Maybe include a wink, a squint, or even had the pupils dilate as they face the viewer directly. Seems faithful to the original with its eyes but are you required to be that straightforward? Maybe slip in some of that Teo unique creativity.

TrandafirTeodora responds:

Thank you for your feedback!
Edit: I modified the animation. I hope you'll like it!

I should take this more seriously but the guy has such a cute face.

Mind providing some context to this for me? I feel like I am missing a lot here.

Ferrohound responds:

haha, it's always the cute ones causing the most trouble

Perfect! Ten out of ten! Your other five stars for my rating will arrive in the mail shortly (or not). Now, we just need Nintendo to step up and also experience the "anguish and despair" for how little representation they've provided for Captain Syrup. They need to give her the Pauline treatment with a fresh look and add her to some crossover titles. Overall, it would be more representation for the Warioland series, too, which I'd like to see a new entry for in the near future.

ICam2k responds:

Can I get some extra starbits to go along with these too?
The girl has last appeared in Wario Land: Shake it! (pretty looking game, too unfortunate not many people got to enjoy it because of the constant "motion control" propaganda during the Wii era). 17 years is too long of a time, but then again, Pauline also took her time to properly appear in Mario vs Donkey Kong series (then as a mayor in New Donk city in Odyssey) since her reimagining in GB Donkey Kong. Before that, she was only know as... "Lady"... and had blonde hair and a pink dress (at least that's what she looks like ingame, she does have the signature red dress but still has the blonde hair and that's only seen in western flyers I think).
So I'll say it again, there's not enough syrup.

This is a thing the idols do in the game, isn't it? You wave at them and they wave back or pose with you or whatever? If they didn't that'd be a waste of having prominent idols in a game to begin with. I had to look up the reasoning for why it is called "CALL13" day and, wow, that is quite a stretch just to give a holiday to the other (arguably better) Squid Sister. *checks notes* ...yep. "Squid Sister." I wasn't sure if that was just them or a general term for squid people.

Are the inkling feet really that much bigger than Callie's or are oversized shoes a style choice? Other than that silly question, there's no issues with this. Basic poses with your excellent facial expressions. Another new food from these games is shown here. Meatballs? Animal feed for that fish pet looking up at them? Some kind of gift that Callie gives the player?

ICam2k responds:

I think that's reserved for the amiibo function. With an added recent addition that *spoilers* (even though it's a one time event that has passed for about a month), they can let you revisit the Grandfest (the finalfest for Splatoon 3) concert. It's almost like in OG Splatoon where you could sit down and listen to their music, but it's slightly more improved since well, there are 3 different concert stages with all 3 idol groups with nearly all the music provided (including the last day's song "Three Wishes" in which, well, I'll just let you listen to it on your own instead of telling you my thoughts upon hearing it when it rolled).
Besides that though, they CAN be present in in story modes as either NPCs with quirky dialogue (Callie and Marie), ones that would occasionally reward you (Callie) or actually help you with options through progression (Marina) depending on the role.
Must be Twitter thing or something else related, idk. I think there was that one person who set up days for nearly each idol (couldn't find Bigman's so of course someone else did). I only joined in because it was a good opportunity to make character centric drawings, even though looking back on it, I feel I probably could've done it on my own at any given time. Then again, V3ctober is arguably the better day. heheh
(a Callie fan I seeeee... that's alright, I like her over Marie too even though she has green for ink)

Yeah, they tend to wear big shoes. The garment variety is kind of crazy to say the least. They even allow them to put on welding masks and still be told that these looks fresh on them. Granted, I remember the one time were some were joking about how noodly Acht's (Dedf1sh) feet would be because of how awkardly long the shoes where. (even though I don't think they're THAT long, but sure, whatever, people tend to come up with crazy stuff anyways)
Power eggs. These are the ingame currency only found in either Hero Mode or Salmon Run (the other being Coins for Turf Wars where you can buy Gears after). These seem to have an even larger role in 3 though. Fuzzball's (basically roadblocks) would need variable amount of power eggs to progress, which Lil'Buddy here just so happens to need them.

I WAS going to guess that they were agents 1, 2, and 3 with that little fellow chowing down on the... I don't know what that is he is eating, but I see what looks like an egg, so I guess it's some kind of breakfast burrito... with that little fellow being number 3. I suppose I was going to be completely wrong either way. Sigh, maybe I should have bought Splatoon 3 instead of Puyo Puyo. 🤔 Nah, despite all the paint, Puyo still seems to be the more colorful choice and I am a sucker for colors (and colours!). Plus, it featured a fish with legs long before Splatoon.

You've provided three cute, simple interactions. Since I lack any and all knowledge on this game, are there any particular reasons for why you paired them up this way? Are there differences in the story mode based on who you choose? Do Frye and Shiver each prefer one Agent 3 over the other?

ICam2k responds:

It would've been the case if Callie and Marie didn't get ahead of them. Completely forgot what that "burrito" was called (given that I barely use these since they act more like EXP/Cash boosters) but that's called "Crab Trap Sandwich" from Crab-N-Go. That being said, we only eat Shawarma in our place, so I never heard of Burrito (I did).
Ah, I see you're enjoying the bean game AND Sukedoutara. That's always a treat to hear. :)

These are technically interpretations of my own (while relying on the canon as best as I could, especially when the kids are player characters). I tend to imagine Deep Cut as mentors for each youngster. Even after the previous less welcoming encounter at Alterna where their eyes where all set for the treasure.

Your recreations of both are spot-on. No complaints about either. I know very little of Espio and what I do know of Charmy is from the comics where he's kind of insufferable, but Charmy has the same issue as Jewel the Beetle in that neither really do a good job of representing their "the (animal)" namesakes since both look like woodland creatures cosplaying as insects.

I hope the trip to Athens was delightful. Always sounds like you and your family have enjoyed a rather exciting lifestyle. All mine has ever been able to do was work, pay bills, and sleep off fatigue before the next day of work. I'm admittedly jealous.

ICam2k responds:

The best I could describe about Espio is that he's a ninja detective and is more level-headed compared to other two. Although he does have his moments.
You mean the Fleetway one where he pretty much takes the role of a talking punching bag that everyone loves to dunk on (including Sonic even) or in Archie where he has brain damage? (... ok maybe that was rather offputting, but unlike Fleetway where I read 100 issues, I know very little about Archie besides some key moments and this is one of these that I could remember somehow and I'm certain that's how it went later on because before that, he was like a prince of a hive or something?) (also I think Fleetway is pretty good even with the design disconnect like Commander Brutus imo)
At first I would've just answered "Rubberhose aesthetic" since that's exactly what they seem to be going with and just end there (despite me not necessarily liking that aspect on bugs specifically), but now that I think about it, Eggman's badniks from the earlier games actually do a much better job at showcasing the insects they're modeled after. Some of them look goofy yes, but they STILL do look like insects.
Maybe characters like Charmy Bee could've stood out if they went with the more unique traits like the Badniks, like when he first appeared in Shokgakukan's Sonic manga in '92/'93.
But eh, I guess it's just simply not meant to be.

I would thank you for hoping that my trip went well (I did) and I certainly would do that, but I wouldn't rest easy knowing that others couldn't get to experience the joy and vigor of travelling different countries because of such circumstances. I hope you'll get the opportunity for that as well. Stay strong.

Not sure why Yoshi would allow anyone to ride their backs. Wario eats them, sure, but Mario dumps them into any bottomless pit he leaps across. I'd have more respect for the guy who appreciates a meal over the one who just wants to go a little higher. I also respect Yoshi's choice to glare at Waluigi because we all know trying to stare down Wario would have just made him aggressive and then no one is going to have a happy Easter this November.

ICam2k responds:

Eeh, I never bought the deal about Mario dumping Yoshi just for a secret. Especially since these dinos are immortal mechanically (make 'em walk on a spiked floor or in this case a muncher field, and colliding with an enemy only makes them flee in panic and fall off a pit afterwards). I would've been convinced if Mario threw him into the lava with Blarggs lunging in, or throwing a baby penguin off a cliff while the mother is watching.
Waluigi just happens to be the easier target. We all know how that goes.

'Howl'dy pardner!

This is a pretty old reference. Been revisitin' New Vegas or just decided to start creating art of classic memes?

Ferrohound responds:

honestly didn't even know it was in New Vegas lol, just really love the song and wanted to mix up doing things on black/white backgrounds haha

This almost implies Chutney would wait until you all were the undead before shooting. Also, is that hole through Syrup? Pretty sure the smell was the result of him only needing a bath.

Mewx responds:

Ngl I don't know who Chutney shot there lol


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