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Mantaster? Man Taster? Why are you feeding men to the Splatoon idols? I didn't know origami was a thing in these games since I assumed it was all underwater and paper doesn't normally fold well when it becomes wet. It's, uh... you know. It's mushy.

I figured Big Man was added to be a sort of mascot character for the idols, but it seems like he is the glue of this team (at least according to your artwork).

ICam2k responds:

Did I say that I only feed men? Eh, it's kind of like a decorative thing seen in the Sunken Scrolls (the collectable in the hero mode campaign that hold some lore tidbits) like the stickers. I just thought the paper ray looked adorable and built on that idea when I started drawing this.
He's kind of both in a sense that he actually has a life going like running a dancing school and being the EDM background composer for the band. That being said, his "mascot" like look is the reason why he's a second favourite of mine despite some people insisting that he's more than that. I don't think it's a detriment really. He just feels unique from the others.

So, his round body fits with his past of being gluttonous. He levitates, therefore, the legs are undeveloped... lack of use. Overall design is dragon-ish as to what you originally intended him to be. The only thing I'd question is the inclusion of heterochromia.

"i made him his own original species to make up for it (it has no name) that are known for eating souls" - If nothing else, there's always the simple label of "soul eater."

A monster regretting its own actions despite needing to do so to survive has always been a compelling idea, but I don't think most media does a good job of resolving the matter... usually killed off early or the situation is resolved with some form of deus ex machina. I'm sure Toggle has a strong idea for Wak already in the works!

ToggleDragon responds:

the heterochromia is useless and i added it 4-5 years ago to make him different. i would have removed it, but i like preserving old elements of redesigned characters, so it got to stay.

It is certainly an eye-catching piece. So many colors and I love to see a less-appreciated Pokemon receive some attention. Your preference for a female Roserade is no different from how I only keep male Wigglytuffs though I typically avoided shiny versions as nearly all of them are hideous color swaps (as far as I'm concerned, that is). Any particular nickname you went with when catching one or are you one of those who hate naming their catches?

Magical Leaf is reliable damage so long as you opt for a Technician though I'd rather go with Spikes and the Natural Cure ability to make her an obnoxious threat for the opponent's team. That and I feel like an ability that favors low-power moves doesn't seem all that beneficial to a Pokemon with such a good special attack stat. On another note, I tend to forget that Roserade is also a Poison type. Wish there was more to her appearance to hint at that toxicity, but I do like the overall look. It's definitely one of the more charmingly-Pokemon designs that reminds me of the older games.

ShellySunshine responds:

I'm a huge sucker for less popular characters in general, and I'd say Pokemon is no exception. The Wigglytuff tadbit is really interesting too!

For the shiny tadbit, the originals for the most part are better, and I would say Roserade original and shiny are on par with each other.

For nicknames, that wasn't something I did in Arceus, but in Shield. I... can't exactly remember his name though at this exact moment! In general, I don't really nickname them!

Agreed, and it's too bad they pretty much they removed Hidden Power which was cool and useful for Technician Roserade as well. Nowadays, I go for Natural Cure (anything but Poison Point).

I wish there were more villains and the company in general utilizing Roserade's Poison-type part too. To my knowledge, there's only maybe like 2-3 cards that show off her Poison-type, while the rest is Grass. Only one so far was Volo and that's just a Cynthia in another universe. Everyone else seems to be a protagonist, but honestly I just get excited when I see Roserade used by a trainer or Roserade merch in general. Would you believe me that this Pokemon is a imp masqueraded Hellbore, pretending to be a rose? Pretty much ties with the Fairy Egg group and Poison-typing (and I love deep design lore like this)!

Lil Man with a teddy should be turned into a profile picture for the Switch account. I think the other two look better in the sketches. Nice to see a Wario again. Been a little while since the last one.

"baby mantas" - pups. They're called pups.

Not sure about a baby octoling, but a baby octopus would be a "fry" which is mildly humorous since we'd be typing about Shiver, instead of... you know, Frye.

ICam2k responds:

There's also the one in this illustration where he was in highschool.
Let me guess. It's because of Frye looking like a turtle and Shiver being an alien?
I do have a couple of Wario drawings made throughout time actually. Not really illustrations, more like poses. It would be nice to at least colour one though.
Got it, searched that up recently to be sure after being lazy for almost a year now. Thanks! ദ്ദി
See, now that's funny because there are already smaller salmonids that are called "Small fries" and both the salmonids and the octarians have a trade agreement where they exchange power eggs for the octo's machinery. Although I've some that state that female octopuses are called "hens" and the other being... "boars". That makes sense.

Seems a bit tired, but, overall, I love the detail work on Max.
Who's that riding on top of him? Is it Tisbore? Pretty sure the rider is Tisbore. If I saw a man in a blue cape and proudly riding a Max, I'd be like, "That's definitely a Tisbore!"

Tisbore responds:


Had to see what the options were... obviously, Team Bunny should have won. Apparently, everyone got new outfits, but, once again, I was reminded of how much I hate the in-game models for all the characters.

I like how Shiver realized that she could pet more chicks simultaneously in her octo form. Gotta maximize those snuggle, cuddle moments!

ICam2k responds:

You would think that would've the case (and honestly even I thought the same too given the popularity results) but bears were somehow skilled enough to take the win.
I myself kind of like these, but I'm also aware of their rough edges, so I know not everyone would vibe with these. Always nice that we've got the hand drawn illustrations to go along with at least. The colours may be less saturated and grainy sure, but they have a lot more energy than what lot of people give credit for.
Gotta make use of these extra appendages. heh

I don't know much about the OC arena, but Megadog looks like something out of 2000s Flash animation and I love him for that. I hope he's bros with Clifford the Big Red Dog. They could hang out at the park, play in the lake, and people would nickname them "Mustard and Ketchup." It'd be great! Now, should the right arm be twisted back like that? Seeing the hand at that angle looks odd. I'd assume it was to position himself to swipe at the lizard if it got close enough, but a straightened arm would more suitable for doing that.

ToggleDragon responds:

yeah, the right arm probably shouldn't look like that at all. i kinda wish i had tried to find some type of reference picture or something, now that i'm looking at it. i made the entire drawing in one sitting, and usually when i do that, i don't notice anything wrong with it until days later, and then it pains me whenever i look at it again. in this case, i guess if i just ignore it hard enough it won't hurt

I was expecting the two to come together and form some shade of violet in the middle since the name of the piece itself is about mixing colours. Provides an excellent amount of detail in spite of its size and simplicity. You can clearly tell who is who without having to zoom in and I always find that impressive.

You definitely had a thing for Angry Birds back then, I see. For me, it was the ninja turtles. Didn't really keep any drawings from that long ago. Each time I moved to a new state, it meant tossing out everything that wasn't furniture, clothes, and collectibles. A shame I didn't own a computer back then to salvage my writings and doodles. Oh well.

ICam2k responds:

Yeah, I probably could've done that. Although I'm willing to cut myself some slack since I was attempting to replicate these character centric animations as they appear in LED screen on the palletes in Side Order despite how simple they look, so they where supposed to be short and simple by nature. And I remember redrawing these two multiple times just in that side angle because of how "off" they kept turning out. The title is actually a reference from one of the lines Marina says upon the near end during the story, but I suppose I accidentally clickbaited you for this animation nonetheless, so I'll have to say my apologies.
Yeah. That was that one part of my life I attempted to bury because 1. it's a mobile game where most consider to be too "kid-ish" by today's standards and 2. the drawings back then were in a worse quality even compared to the ones where I attempted to "restart", but then quickly got over that irrational disgust since I've come to acknowledge that it was a time period where my kid-self was just simply learning stuff and I still have interest in videogames regardless (albeit with more broader options), but at least I know I'm not the only one out there.
I do love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles though. I remember that time where my brother and I watched two episodes of the 2003 series off the DVD, played a game based on that and even once owned a figurine of Ralph who was actually more based on the '87 cartoon given how different he looked from the more serious action packed 2003 series (although lost it due to room cleanup unfortunately).

They're not angry bears. They're passionate! Also, Owlbear looks like he belongs in a Pokemon game, rather than Puyo, which makes me wish these were the three starters for a Puyo RPG monster-taming experience:
Maguro: "I choose you, Risukuma!"
Risukuma: "Will you quit saying that every time we run into someone!"
I am strongly in favor of the liberties you take with the Puyo style. Please keep doing that.

Coffee Day sounds awful. Tea Day or Milkshake Day would be amazing, but coffee? Smells as bad as it tastes and even drinking the high-end, expensive stuff is like being handed a mug of burnt beans mixed into lukewarm water. No amount of cream on top is going to help that mistake.

ICam2k responds:

Now you get it!
Now you just gave me another potential idea to draw of, although I'm gonna need to think of a funnier costume to make that joke have a bigger landing.
I always do, so no worries.
I haaaate coffee too. They're always bitter no matter the amount of sweeteners added, so I do get the frustration indefinitely. Everytime someone offers me one, I always give a big fat "no". Same with beer.
There are days for these upon searching actually, 21st may for Tea day and 12th september for Milkshake day. Kind of surprised my country has yet to celebrate that though, then again, it doesn't have the spirit of Halloween either, soo.

I saw this on one (probably all) of your links. I was curious what it was. Had I waited, I would have found out tonight. Aww well. Having lived in Florida, seeing a croc with the name "Sunshine" brings back memories. Rode an airboat in the Everglades and they were everywhere. Not a threat but definitely not afraid of the boat, either. Gators were more popular though I believe it's because people confused them with crocs. Sunshine here has the right nose and the light-colored skin, but the mouth is a little too smooth... kind of clean-looking. Seems gator-ish to me. The glasses, of course, are quite obviously croc in nature. Most alligators have no fashion sense. We all know this. Even if you gave'em a pair of shnazzy spectacles, I bet they wouldn't wear'em long enough for a simple photo.

So, what compelled you to bring Sunshine into this world and how much were those glasses you got for her? Could not have been cheap.

ShellySunshine responds:

It's totally fine if you seen this before. Thanks for checking out my other links! I had this thought process where not everyone would be interested in checking out other websites, so I figured I would post some of the old ones here! That, and it gives me an opportunity to not place all of my eggs in one basket, in the event a website goes down permanently, at least there are other copies that can be found.

I do miss Florida - only been there twice. Other than blisters, they were both great experiences. I do remember going to a zoo in another state and watched some crocodiles relaxing.

Yeah, gators and crocs get mixed up, and all people have to do is look at their noses. Thanks for the feedback about the mouth. I'll keep that in mind to roughen that up a little in the future.

Poor gators don't have ears to hold the glasses up naturally, unfortunately. Gonna have to rely on snouts and make sure they don't look at certain angles for the glasses to fall off... That, unless they have a glasses strap that goes around their heads, but they could still fall off. (The glasses would be a snack to them!)

I wanted a crocodile character is why she exists. Crocodile (amongst similar species) are my favorite animals period. Those glasses would probably be $90, but if they were fake ones without prescription lenses, it would be closer to $20-$30.


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